The fronds were like the cloth upon an old
and too cheaply made lamp which after years
of roasting in the paltry radiance
from bulb barely sufficient, needs but one
unconscious touch to fall to nothingness
and oily powder that will not wash off.
Epic, Iambic pentameter, Poetry, blank verse
Dripping and naked, lyut crawls upstream along the shore, fingers crawling among the grass until he comes across the fronds of a fiddle-head fern of which he plucks two.
Blind, Fantasy, Fisher, spirituality
So, she simply parked outside the last outpost of actual civilization, hid her ride with fallen branches and the fronds of huge ferns, and made her way on foot through the forest canopy.
something shrieks and whistles through the air high ahead.
Cat, Female, Non-Linear, Rain, Sethura, Sythkyllya, ruins
He heard a firm knock at his frond door and jumped up and opened it up "hello there?"
it was the mountain lion officer "hello there sir" he held his hat in front of him and alex's heart skipped a beat.
"oh no, don't tell me...
Cougar, Fox, Husky, Murder, Mystery, Otter, Shapeshifting, Wolf
The fronds broke from the stems on the budding center of the plant, flying out into the air like little clouds, the rush of her breath carrying them afloat and into the sky before spreading out amongst the clearing.
Calypso, Cute, Dragon, Dragoness, Forest, Kat, Short Story, Tarkir, Toasttheoverlord, celeste, dandelion, wholesome
Her once gorgeous cloak of grass and fronds was now mostly tattered for rolling about, but she still had to blow at the strands hanging over her eyes. when kovu saw them, they seemed intense, piercing. she looked down.
Kovu, Lion, Lion King, OC, Romance
She placed the orange frond on her mother's chest, and backed away slowly. their parents had done so much for them... it was the least that she could do.
Charizard, Charmander, Charmeleon, Pokemon
Mipa's dressing of grass and fronds was probably the most complex thing that she made. kovu had certainly never seen the like.
Fat, Kovu, Lion, Lion King, OC, Romance