Everything Or Nothing capter 7 - Late for dinner
Sala remarked coolly as she grabbed a flask of vine on the table and examine it critically.
Realms of Valeron - Chapter 18
He reached into his coat, searching around, and eventually protruded a small metal hip flask. "here then, if you will not drink the beer, have some vodka." the younger man took the flask. he unscrewed the cap, and drank.
Those Three Words. (Origins pt2)
He said taking the same silver hip flask out of his pocket and tossing to the floor landing his son's feet.
A Story Never Told - Part 2 - Light among Shadows
Slow breaths... and a welcoming mind." she recited in a calm tone while opening the flask. "slow breath... and a welcoming mind." the purple fumes escaped the flask in a sudden rush and hovered for a moment over the boy's chest.
The Great Prophet Of Zao Chapter 16: Lies Filled With Hope
The general slowly approaches me while pulling out his metal flask. he pulls off the cap while getting on one knee and presents me the flask. "this should help get the metallic taste off your tongue."
This phosphorus, it burns everything it touches, which is why i had to use chemically-treated flasks to resist burning and then i had you dilute the phosphor for safety reasons.
Dragyn Saga part 3
About ten minutes later he came back bearing a small flask and a pungent smelling cloth, he pressed the cloth over battys' nose and when batty gasped for air he deftly tipped the contents of the flask down battys' throat, almost unknowingly winged-teddy
I, Dacien Chapter 9: Realignment
"no pain," said xavien, lifting the flask. "none at all." "if you were not in some agony of recollection you would toss that flask away, but ... i cannot help you if you forbid it, regent." xavien nodded.
The Giant Bacteria: The Novelization, Part 3
Said the pilot, saluting and running off, still holding the flask. a moment later, he ran back, setting the flask back down on the table, then ran off again. "i sure hope it works," said callie over by the window.
A Dragons Rescue. Memories
The silver flask." i cringe as i reach for a silver flask engraved with three numbers. "rope. pocket knife. matches. hmmm... i know im forgetting something...." "what about spare socks. or clothes and climbing gear.
Wolf Rock - Ridley and Raina Take A Detour
"like a gemstone-studded hip flask." the driver said back nonchalantly, leaving the cat next to her to give her a deadpan look. the rather fluffy beige-furred girl murmured, "a gemstone-studded hip flask...
Chapter Twelve
She took another drink from her flask before offering it to the stallion. "do you have a name, by the way? or do your kind not use them?" "name no common." he replied as he accepted the flask and sniffed it, screwing up his nose as he handed it back.