Those Three Words. (Origins pt2)

Story by KaiserCollie on SoFurry

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#2 of Those Three Words (Origins)

Well folks, I'm sorry it took so long for me to upload this, I've been dealing with major writers block as well as art block, Regardless I genuinely hope you enjoy this story, And I'll see if I can add another piece soon.

Chapter 2

Intra Martis

Around mid day

Once again David had found himself, being summoned to the same old study like office where his farther had been operating the system of garrison in the fort, it had been a rather long day, already as he been wondering through local villages and towns asking many of the newly acquired citizens what they might like to see from their governors and liberators, alongside these duties he had also been making sure take a very thorough session of fencing classes throughout his time in the fort. Honestly the thought of him fighting with no shirt genuinely irritated his father something fierce, and David expecting to be flogged.

Once again the old collie stood tall attempting to look down at his son with an intense and hateful glare he asked sharply; "Why are do damn insistent of showing your daman shame toward me *boy*? I am your superior officer here." He said taking the same silver hip flask out of his pocket and tossing to the floor landing his son's feet.

The term boy had been used many times before to condescend at his son and humiliate him, often as was the case now, in front of other officers and staff. A sharp whip cracking sound went through David's head which immediately filled him with rage and furry that had to quickly stifle down before replying calmly. "I say can you smell something off in here?" His father now seemingly confused by this asked "What are you talking about?" Noticing this David leaped on the chance again, "How can you not smell it? it's really rather fowl, If I had already been accustomed to army food, I dare I would surely vomit, are you sure you can't smell it?" Now angry his farther struck his son upside the face with a back and shouted "What boy, what is it this time?!!" Recoiling a little at his father minor blow David stepped in close and loomed over his father's ear whispering menacingly in a very low growl through gritted teeth "The stench of a rotten old corpse who can't command a decent garrison." At his father turned read in the face and burst into a fit of furious temper in which the other members of the staff had to restrain him from beating his own son with a walking cane. "YOU ARE AN INSOLENT FUCKING BRAT WHO NEVER KNEW HIS PLACE TO BEGIN WITH!!" He shouted with his arms flailing.

David had never had respect for his old man, where his siblings might have been beaten into submission he was always the one who got back up every beating to stare his father down. And it would be the same now, "If you'd like to know I was doing my job today, surveying the land, entreating myself with the locals etc etc, stuff that you don't need to know about, And that flask was gifted to young bugler this morning to help him perform his duty, are you stealing from the musicians now father?" He said now calm and bending down to collect the flask before glaring back at his father and nodding at the other members of staff to let his father go. His father now still angry but composing himself had simply yelled his son "Get out! You're dismissed!" And with that, David gleefully clicked his heals together and left the room without saluting.

As he walked furiously making his way to the courtyard with his sword still hanging at his belt, he thought to himself "When the day comes for that old bastard to step down from the position of Colonel, the better off this army will be-" His thought was cut immediately short when he full on walked into an imposingly tall figure, falling back down to the floor, and looking up to see who it was. It was a tall muscular Rottweiler in the uniform of a Saxon Artillery field Officer, Powder Blue Tunic, single breasted with silver buttons, red lining and silver wire wrapped epaulets on his shoulders, a seemingly crude Steel hilted sabre at his hip leading down his muscled legs with the powder blue on his trousers and cuffing around the undersole of his boots with silver blunt spurs at his heals.

Both a little stunned at this they immediately rushed to apologise to each other, and Rottie, knelt down to offer a hand the Collie and help him back up. "I'm so sorry are you alright?" the said slightly alarmed. Being brought back his senses, and shaking his head "Y-yes, I'm fine, thank you. I'm sorry I walked into you, very foolish of me" The Rottie smiled waited for a few moments as the collie adjusted his uniform, standard long Prussian blue coat with red colour and gold buttons. "Perhaps you might be to help me? I was tasked with finding a Young Officer, a Captain by the name of Shauwiender" More than a bit surprised at this David answered. "That would be me.." He paused a moment in curiosity of this occurrence, then snapped himself out of it and asked "Well what can I do for you Lieutenant...?" "Zoller, sir, Second Lieutenant Hans Zoller, My commanding officer wanted me pass his request for you to attend his company on the hill he needs your tactical opinion, sir" The rottie added saluting and standing to attention.

David smiled warmly folding his arms and sighed "At ease, Hans, I'm not officially attached to this garrison, so there's no need for formalities with me." Sighing in relief, Hans relaxed his stance and rested his hands on his belt. "Thank you, honestly all of that posturing was starting to hurt my back" David chuckled in agreement, "Well... backside, in my case" he added. "Once again, sorry for that" Hans said politely offering his hand out. David accepted this gesture and took his hand shaking it firmly, in a warm greeting. "No worries, now shall we go and see what your Officer wants of me?" Hans nodded, and they both walked toward the stables together where they both mounted their trusty steeds and rode out.

early evening at the Artillery camp across the Burgsee

An Middle aged skinny Doberman Pincer, in a very distinguished looking but unbuttoned Saxon senior officer's uniform sat at his desk in his large tent pouring over his maps with a glass of red wine in his hand only looking up when the two young officers walked into his tent and presented themselves, Saluting and clicking their heals. "Ahh, so Hans managed to find you, Herr Shauwiender," He remarked with some relief. "Yes sir, he is a very capable, polite young officer, and a credit to the Saxon army sir" David replied with a meaningful sincerity in his tone, which in some part, both impressed and humbled the Doberman. "At ease both of you" He said and kindly gestured to the pair to take a seat opposite to him at his desk, which they politely accepted.

"Hans is my most trusted and fearless officer, so when I sent him to find you, I knew you would be in good hands." Upon hearing his Hans was a little red with some embarrassment, "You're too kind sir". Sensing the discomfort in Hans's tone David immediately sought to levitate the Rottie by offering a swift of change of subject. "Shall we get straight down to the matter at hand, sir? you requested me for my tactical opinion? Since you know my name, you most likely already know I wasn't attached to any artillery regiment, So I am naturally at a loss to what kind of help I might be able to offer." He said staring intently at the maps on the desks studying their every detail as much as he could.

The Doberman, clapped his hands in joy and began speaking, "Ahh straight to work, good that means we can begin early, I need you to go an survey some territory further north of here, at the newly formed border at Ellund" David continued to study the map landing the place in question and began to trace his duel-tone eyes down south to where they were currently residing. "Thats.." He began courteously "...A good few days ride from here taking to account of terrain, woodlands, villages towns and potential gorilla-movements that might still be hiding in those places." He said placing a finger on the border itself. "Gorilla movements?" Asked Hans curiously looking over at David's focused face. "Bandits and lunatics mostly, Danes that are still fanatically devoted Mondrad's ideals of Danish enforced nationalism upon the German natives of this region. They've been somewhat of a pain in the arse to our logistics corps and caravan trains" Replied, "And..." He added with some frustration in his voice; "..Our senior officer still hasn't lined the roads yet with enforced infantry patrols, despite my warnings, I could do it, but You'll need to give me some time to as I'll have to pack appropriately, and I need to get approval of this small recognisance expedition from my Colonel back at the Garrison which will not be an easy affair". He concluded briefly remembering incident earlier on in that day.

The Doberman, a Colonel in his own Regiment sat back in his chair and pondered for a few moments with hands clasped together before opening them again; "What if I wrote the request to your Colonel myself? Might that help the process?" He asked, reaching over for his paper, ink and pen. "It might, I must warn you though, sir. Our Commander is a very... stubborn man" David said a little nervous that he might be disappointing his present company. The Colonel, did not look very impressed, and before he could reply, Hans interrupted rather hastily; "Sir, what If I accompany the Captain back to his Garrison and personally present your request with him to the senior officer there? it would surely make some difference?"

Smiling and looking back down at his paper the Doberman began to write, "You have pride, Hans I'll give you that" He said as he continued writing neatly and quickly. "Alright, you can accompany Captain Shauwiender back to his Garrison and speak on my behalf." He added, as his finished his quick note, then reached for a red wax stick and light candle. "You may also accompany him to the border and help to ensure he gets back in once piece" He said sternly as he folded the letter, and the poured that hot wax over it, before finally pressing this large stamp over the red blob, sealing the request in place.

He handed it over to Hans who was, needless to say, taken a back by this, he had only just met this man, and was not entirely sure what to fully make of him yet. David as well being concerned, looked at Hans and smiled subtly trying to appear reassuring. The Doberman Colonel stood up, and so did the other two. "Right, dismissed" he ordered, and with that the other two saluted, clicked their heals, about turned and marched off out of the the tent. Once out of the tent the two began to slow down and walk normally as if taking a stroll toward their horses.

"I'll confess I wasn't expecting that be over with so quickly is he always that brief with orders and requests?" Said David looking west observing the now setting sun over the Fjords. "Only when the person his given the orders too is already fully aware of the situation regarding the mission" Replied Hans looking the young collie before noticing his sword being on the wrong side. "Why is your sword on the right hand side and not the left?" he asked. It took David a moment fully register the question braking his glance at the setting sun. "Ohhh.... Well I'm actually left handed. Normally this would be on my right hand side for parade duties or normal duties, but like I said before I'm not officially attached to the Garrison back at the castle" He replied placing a hand on the hilt of of the sword making sure it wasn't crooked. Hans then probed a little further. "If you're not officially attached to the regiment at fort then why do need the Colonel's permission to take this mission?" David understood why this was odd to begin with and wasn't offended by the probing. "My Colonel..." He sighed... "My father... is a very controlling man, getting permission from him just prevents me from getting an unnecessary flogging whenever I do decide to exercise my own real authority, besides, I was already sent here to survey the land and people anyway, there's no harm in me being able to do for our Allies as well as my own King back in Prussia, going up too the border with you, merely makes my report more thorough." Hans detected the regret in David's voice and sympathetically asked "Does your father make your current duties difficult for you?" David perked up his ears slightly and replied in good humour, "Ohh all the fucking time, that's what makes pissing him off a part time hobby for me." At this Hans laughed a little and placed his hand on David's shoulder and added: "I think I might like working with you." Smiling and looking back up a the handsome Rottie, "And I with you my friend."