Poem #19
Shaking, i wake, screaming from my fevered dreams, panting heavily, as my mate wakes, hugging me tightly. she begs me for a answer, of why i screamed, as i hold my arm, looking at it with fear, seeing it whole and unblemished.
First Time Babysitter
"i have a fever," said sini. "how the hell does a dragon have a damn fever?!?!? "\*sigh\* what is the problem, werehog? you're going to get paid after the job, and the pay is good.
A Parent's Soothing Touch (SFW)
No fever. she then lifted her head down and put an ear to her chest, counting the thumps.
Our mechanic died of fever three days ago. bad news for him. good news for you. one seat is available for you. be ready survivor of lunar mission ceti one. six hours._ _jeddite defense council _ _quadrant 1188_
Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 7. (Fever dreams)
(fever dreams)** ** ** natascha return together with victor an hour later. they had bought some quick soups and natascha had gathered a bag with some clothes and a few books at her home.
Spring Fever Chapter 4: Hot Bretons (RAW)
#6 of spring fever first dates, first kisses, and the awkward stumbling about of a first love and interspecies mingling.
My Top 25 Songs of All-Time!!!
Cat scratch fever by ted nugent/pantera/// 3:49 20. hey man nice shot [big mac] by filter/// 5:01 21. freya by the sword/// 4:34 22. act on instinct by frank klepacki/// 2:51 23. tokyo road by bon jovi/// 5:42 24.
Isolation-Excerpt 30-The Scientific Method
"because he's running a serious fever", sarah said, "last i checked it was 118, james and i put him in the shower and it only came down to 107.
"you don't feel like you're running fever, but might as well check to be sure." a few seconds passed before a beep was heard. "no fever" i said to her disposing of the plastic protecting it from germs.
Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Eighteen
Munse before kimberly dies from her fever. amber's not feeling too hot herself, though, and beckie's still running around loose out there somewhere. please note: this is the second book in the silverblood saga.
The Coming of Spring
On the negative side we have seen more cases of dragon fever come by since it's discovery. i was amazed by how many people it had gotten to. atsuko believes that it spreads as quickly as the flu, which is not a good thing.
A touch against her muzzle indicated just how serious her fever had become. he had to hurry. carefully he took the otteress' hand, helping her up from the ground.