Amidst a barren landscape of ash, dusty winds and black lava rock, a father and two sons marched towards the very heart of their ancient homeland. They were Saurkin, the dinosaur people, a brutal race who valued honor and the strength of the warrior....
Abuse, Adventure, Bears, Colonial, Dinosaurs, Emotions, Family, Foxes, History, Humans, Industrial, Lions, Love, Magic, New Era, Series, Tragedy, chronicles, expedition, journey, magnus, nationalism
Walther's specialization was hellhound history, and it was during one of the expeditions to the outer ring of hell was where he met shara, malkar's mother. they fell in love, and the rest was history.
Canine, Demon, Fantasy, Story, Story Progression, hellhound
The remainder of the expedition group were all humans. and the first human off the boat was erika. she was sticking close to charley, clearly mesmerized by the catmink.
Adventure, Age Regression, Cat, Cheetah, Cub, Demon, Kitten, Lion, Micro, Shrinking, Snow Leopard, Tiger, Transformation, faerie, fairy
The guide's steps were more cautious now and the expedition was slowed.
along the way, several more corpses were discovered in a similar state.
Action, Adventure, Cougar, Fantasy, Frog, Jahaliya, Sexy, Skunk, Story Progression, Story Series, Tigress, Trouble, Wolf, jungle
Five hundred years after the advent of the first expeditions, the first projectile was launched into the planet's orbit.
Dark, Dinosaur, Doom, No-Yiff
The goddess gives you life and grants you the mercy of death, who are we to expedite the enevitable and disrupt the goddess's plans. i can not hold a grudge no matter how much i want to.
Rat, musings