Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 14 - Afraid of Love

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#14 of Chronicles of FinalGamer 18 - Mushroom

After being paid for their work in the expedition, James and Koopin try to figure out where both of them stand in this budding friendship between them. One curious insight from James leads to his own doubt. But a journey into a dark forest to find a missing person soon distracts him from that personal matter.

And yet, what of Koopin's own thoughts? Can he accept his friend's frayed hesitation, or will he dig deeper?

Super Mario copyrighted to Nintendo, FinalGamer to me

After making their way back to Koopa Village, the group began looking over their various findings. Kooper's photographs, Koopmar's translations, Karlos' architectural estimates and Kolorado's find of the Fire of Muda. James and Koopin stood apart from the rest of them, watching with a curious eye at their calculations and theorising upon the Weston Kingdom. "You think we'll get paid good?" said FG quietly. "Sure hope so, we nearly got killed!" "I get there was a danger in going, but did you even sign a warrant or clause about risks?" "Nope, not at all." " got grounds to argue for more money for reckless endangerment." "Really?" "Oh definitely, if you want more money." "Long as he pays me the full amount I'm happy." " want me to argue for more? I can do that, I used to do this sorta thing." ", no if he pays me what I asked for, I'm fine with that." "Alrighty." After an hour and a half of what sounded like historical nonsense to FG, they nodded in resolution together, with Kolorado rubbing his hands together. "Well then, that's settled! All we have to do now is to contact the museum in Sarasaland, their authorities and so forth!" "And the princess," said Karlos. "Which one?" "Well, both really." "Ah yes of course. Good heavens this was such an exciting adventure!" "Yeah," said FG rolling his eyes. "Exciting for sure." "AH! Yes, I must thank you and pay you for your troubles. Here is our agreed amount." Professor Kolorado eagerly handed over a bag of gold coins to each of them, surprising the two as they took their payments. James almost wanted to ask for more to see a bigger bag, but took the plentifully-agreed amount gratefully as he nodded. "Heheh, wow thanks professor. This is pretty good." "Sure is!" said Koopin as he shook Kolorado's hand. "Thank you for the payment sir, I uh, hope I was good." "Your skills in navigating the desert were most adequate," said the professor. "I shall send a glowing report to the TGA worry not." "Thank you! Okay uh, we're gonna head out now so uh, you all take care!" "Ta-ta chaps!"

Waving goodbye to the expedition crew, James and Koopin returned home, or rather to Koopin's home. He was extremely satisfied with the bargain being held up to the end, as he counted up his money to be exact. James was satisfied by the fact it went over 50 coins, still trying to understand the exact rate of this world's currency. Soon they reached Koopin's door, as he invited him in to relax. "Might as well sit in here and rest your feet after all we done." "Hehehe, right, thanks." "You want some tea?" "Uhhhh sure." Koopin set about making two cups of Koopa Tea, sitting down on the couch beside him. As they drank up in the silence of the living room, the TV turned off for now, James had to ask the smallest question that crossed his mind. "So who are you in love with?" "H-huh?!" "Well...those things we wrote out in the desert...seems a li'l odd that the kind of truth you're twisting over in your heart would be about love." "W-w-why's that? A-and why do you wanna know?" James shrugged with uncertainty. "I was worried about you, a bit. Didn't want you feeling some kind of bad heartache for feelings you can't bring out because you're too shy or polite or nervous. I'm not...well, let's just say I've had that feeling before and-" "You have?" "Yeah. And I know from experience that you do not want to bottle that all up. If you love someone, you have to tell them. Gently though, don't go too strong, be all like uncertain and such, that makes people wanna help you sort your head out." "Really? But...but what if you feel you've only met this person you love for like, a few weeks or something? Doesn't it feel...childish?" "Hmmm...depends on how much you love him. How much do you love him? What do you like about him?" Koopin saw that James clearly did not know who it was, and tried his best to be vague. "He's...this real brave guy I know. He's strange but, he tells me about so many interesting things and he has this passion in him that just sparks something in me! It's like...everytime I look into his eyes, I see a whole new world...just waiting for me to see. He has this...aura about him that I...I dunno, you ever get that feeling when you're around someone and you...just feel...complete, with him?" "Heh...yes. Yes I do. You should tell need to find and tell him how you feel, don't wait any longer." "I will. I will! I'll do it right now!" "W-wait, it's dark outside, I-" "No."

Koopin put his finger upon James' lips, silencing him. "Please. ...I need to say this, and I need you to be honest." Oh god, thought James. He's in love with ME. And you just told him what to do, god dammit James you are such an idiot. "I...I think...I'm in love with you." "...oh." "...oh? Th-that's it?!" "Well what you want me to say?! It's kind of a surprise is all, I mean, really?! me that way?" "Well yeah! What I said before, all that, I meant that! There's something about you that, ever since that night when we first came back here, I...I felt something more than usual. Normally when I'm with guys, I feel happy, I feel I've made a new friend, but...with you there's something more. There's this greater warmth in my heart that I feel whenever I'm around you, that little extra spark that makes me wanna be with you all the more! That's...kinda why I was so happy you got to come along with the expedition." James put aside his teacup and sighed, his hands resting upon his knees as he tried to think how best to deal with this situation, his thoughts twisting and turning into two sides. Should with him? He's young but not as naive as the others around here, but maybe still naive somehow. But he's not a kid, surely he doesn't rush into a relationship, not this guy, right? Do I wanna be with him? Do I like him that much? ...I do feel better around him somehow, maybe it's cuz he's my best friend in this place but I feel...something inside me. "Koopin...I..." He does make me feel better. Like he somehow cools me down, makes me feel more balanced out whenever I'm near him. Did Daisy do that too? I can't even remember anymore. She said it was okay for me to move on right? I could move on, I want to move on. Maybe I can start again with Koopin. "Koopin...I really like you." "You do?" "But..." Dammit James what are you doing?! You can start again, you've got your chance now! Do it! "I don't think I could be in a relationship with you." "Wh-...what?" NO DAMMIT, screamed his inner thoughts, what are you doing?! What the hell are you so afraid of?! "I...I-i want to...nngh. Okay. I really like you, but-" "Am I...not your type or something?" asked Koopin softly. "Oh no no it's not that! You're kind and smart and adorable as hell but...I..." "Please, just tell me James, if you don't like me that way, please be honest with me." "But I do!" "Then stop messing with my head and tell me what you feel! I wanna know...I love you."

The koopa started to ball his fists, burying his eyes into them and struggling with the indecisiveness of his friend. He felt this was all a bad idea, that he shouldn't have said anything and just let it build up inside him. His heart was now turning heavy with guilt over causing such an awkward scene, wanting to leave if it wasn't for the fact it was his own house. The raptor sighed and scrunched his eyes, Despite having recovered from it, or so he told himself, it still gave a pang of guilt to his heart, as he sat closer to the koopa and began to explain. "Look...I do like you, a lot. You've been my best friend here and we had fun together in a lot of ways. You showed me so much of this place and I love it all! But...I'm not ready to be in a relationship again." "Again? ...did something happen to you before?" He started to build the explanation in his head, the old story about Daisy he had repeated many times to others and himself. Then he reconsidered, something starting to hold him back as he felt his words turn vague. "There was this girl I knew, back a few years ago." "Ah huh." "She...was one of the best things to ever happen to me. I felt so safe and comfortable around her, when I was at a point in my life when my head was all messed up and I...yeah. I felt complete with her, she always calmed me down and felt like I was the most important person in the world to her. But we were only together for a year." "Only a year?! Wh-what happened?" ".......something happened. A lot of bad things happened and...we weren't together anymore. It...kinda still hurts me to this day, and I can't be with her anymore. Ever. I know it's been like four years or something and I wanna move on! But..." He took a moment to sigh, frustrated with himself. Why is this so hard for me to explain?! I'm over this already. It's been four years, I even MET her again and sorted this out No, you're not gonna break, you're just going to tell him straight. Yet the raptor couldn't even finish his sentence when he scrunched up his eyes, covering them with his hands as Koopin hugged him tighter in response. "Hey...listen, it's okay. I understand, I don't wanna push you into any kind of relationship if...if you need time. I just...I've never met anyone like you." "Well, that's kinda obvious." "No no I mean emotionally! I really like you James...I don't want to hold it back but...if you're not ready yet for me...can I still be a close friend? Please?" "...I...okay. Okay, Koopin." He hugged the koopa gently and kissed him, sniffing slightly. "I'd like that."

But his heart inside was screaming, begging to tell him everything. A part of him wanted to move on, wanted to dive into a new relationship. But there also grew fear. A fear that James had never truly recognised in all his travels. He didn't know what to make of it, a darkness unknown festering within that had been there since Crossville. Holding Koopin tighter, he soon felt something clutch at his heart. It was a weak grip, but enough to scare him, gasping as he mentally suppressed his fear. No, he growled in his thoughts, no you fucking don't. I'm not dealing with you now, I got my own problems here, so get back inside me and stay there. Forcing the creature of darkness back inside with the suppression of his fear, he soon released Koopin from his embrace. Koopin noticed something odd about James' eyes, but said nothing. Tears, quietly streaking down his face that the raptor did not notice. This only further made him realise that his friend was in more emotional turmoil than he thought, suggesting: "Hey, how about we watch some TV? Just a li'l something to pass the time huh?" "Heh, okay, what's on?" "Mmmmm I think-OOH, how about Chums?" "Chums? Like, friends?" "Yeah, you'll like it, it's a sitcom, like a comedy?" "Ohhh yeah, alright then." By the saving grace of the TV schedule, their worries melted away with situational comedy, the raptor thankful in being allowed to relax with something of a normal and modern scenario to be in. The sitcom, about a group of various friends living in two city apartments and their various shenanigans, was entertaining enough for FG to keep up with, despite the occasionally-specific humour of this world. After a while of enjoying the interesting programs of the Mushroom Kingdom, finding it funny that there were a lot of similarities to shows of his own world, James headed off to sleep in the Toad House once again. He hugged Koopin once more to say good night, not wanting to leave him feeling hurt over the rather awkward love confession. James still wanted to find and discover other places too, feeling there was still more left of the kingdom to explore. He would soon get his chance a week later, when he walked into Toad Town with Koopin as they began to shop a little. He was glad to see that Koopin had accepted the option of remaining good friends, if only until James was able to rearrange his emotions on what he wanted. "So what are you needing again?" asked FG. "Mmmmm I need some koopa leaves for tea, might wanna get a volt shroom cuz my mom told me a great recipe on the phone I'd love to try out." "Ohhh you into a bit of cooking?" "Mmhmm! Well you remember me and her talked a bit on it back at their place right?" "Oh yeah." He was about to ask further on favourite meals when they suddenly heard a panicked scream coming from the east side of town. Without even thinking, James headed off straight towards the source, charging ahead with Koopin struggling to keep up behind. At the east side of town, between the castle gates and the train station, lied a guarded entrance that lead to an expansive dark forest.

James had seen it sometimes when passing, but it was always well-guarded by a steadfast toad, armed with a spear while at a small tollbooth. The forest's entrance was crowned by two solid rectangular pillars of a granite colour. The guard was currently kneeling beside another toad, wounded with bad cuts and bruises upon his soft fungus head, clothes partially ripped as he shook with wide-eyed panic. "Calm down, tell me what happened!" "M-m-m-monsters! B-black cloaks! Th-they took my friend!" "Woah woah hold up, black cloaks? What do you mean?" "CLOAKS! Like what you wear?! They were shady guys, all dressed in black, o-or like a real dark purple! I was taking mail through the forest to deliver, when they ambushed me an' my pal, th-they kidnapped him an' beat me up! I almost got burned!" "Was it Boos?" "N-no, no way, I know 'em and they'd never attack me! I give 'em their mail for stars' sake, why would they attack me!?" "Alright alright, just...head over to the hospital, I'll send out a search party for your friend, you know where you were attacked?" "Y-yeah, the third area, just before you reach the Boo's Mansion! Please find him, he's my best friend and coworker, his name's Fore T.!" Koopin and James watched as the toad was escorted to a hospital, his wounds pretty bad to FG's eyes as he noted a burn mark on the back of the shirt. He walked over towards the guard and asked: "Uh, scuse me." "Yes citizen?" " you get access into the forest?" "You'd need an ID to certify your entrance into the forest, and you need to be accompanied by another person, no one goes in alone." "Why?" "It's a mystical forest, people get lost in it very easily unless they know the way through, so unless you get a lucky chance with a friendly boo you're not getting through otherwise. Plus you need to be either a tour guide or a mailman or-" "Hold up...did you say boos?" "Yeah?" FG's eyes widened with astonishment as his thoughts clicked together. So they come from THIS world then...oh god please tell me he's here. "Anyways," continued the guard, "not going in either way sir, since you just heard about the missing mailman." "That's why I wanna go in," replied FG. "I wanna find him, I'm a mercenary, I can fight off danger." " much as I can see you're equipped, I can't just let anyone wander in-" "How long is it gonna take for you to mobilise a search party?" "...a few hours, maybe half a day." "That's too long, those cloak guys could be gone by then!" "Citizen, your heart is admirable but you are NOT getting in here without a pass or my authorisation. Now please leave." "But I just-" "James!"

Koopin pulled him away back towards the town, trying to figure out what was up with his friend's persistence. "What are you doing?!" "Someone is lost and kidnapped in those woods, I HAVE to go find him." "No, you don't. You let the guards do their job because you're not getting past him." "But-NO! Someone is missing, I am NOT gonna stand by and let someone get taken away when I can do something about it!" "...why are you so eager to save people?" "Huh?" "I just need to ask this. I mean, it's good of you to wanna help save people, it's a great thing to do! I mean I try to help people too, who doesn't?! But...not many people can just up and run at danger just to save someone. So why do you do it?" ".......I need to." "Huh?" "...I have a reason, but I can't tell you right now. Maybe another time okay?" "Um...okay." "Look, this is really important to me, I need to do my best to be a good guy." "But you ARE a good guy, you saved those climbers and helped in the expedition and stopped that thief from running off with my dad's stock!" "But it's not enough! I NEED to do this. I'm not asking you to come with me, that forest is dangerous an-" "Not THAT dangerous." "Wha?" "Maybe SCARY, a li'l bit spooky, but not dangerous usually. If you know the right way. It's always something off with the next area like flowers a different colour near the right path, or more mushrooms around one tree than others." "How do you know this?" "Um...tour guide?" Koopin tapped his chest disdainfully, feeling rather frustrated as James nodded. "Alright look, you do your thing, I'll do mine." "And what if YOU go missing?!" "I won't. Come on, I just obliterated a fucking ancient king, you think a magic forest is gonna stop me?" The koopa rolled his eyes with a grimace at FG's cursing, but he nevertheless had to admit that there was nothing he had to say to stop the raptor from going. With an unconfident shrug, he let James go, his heart sinking once more with frustration and worry for his new friend. James managed to sneak around the guard however by clambering up the pillar, firing down a small fireball to make the guard inspect it before leaping over his tollbooth. Before the guard was even aware of such an intrusion, James had run off deep into the Forever Forest. Koopin merely watched, feeling helplessly torn between the safe and trusting option, and the reckless but faithful option. "...darn it James...j-just...what do you want from me?"

The forest was certainly imposing enough for James to feel his footsteps falter, reaching a large circular pathway where several paths branched off into the infinite darkness. Somehow the light had gone, the sun having passed seamlessly into a false night. Strange creatures chittered and scrabbled all around him, dark unusual flora seeming to stare at him through thick fan-sized petals. He felt a deep flashback to Planet Zebes, making him shiver from the memory. No, no god don't think about that here. Bad enough the shadows around here keep moving from the trees all around me. Pushing his subconscious fears away as best as he possibly could, James began to walk around the established path, which circled all around one particular cluster of trees, flowers and mushrooms. Seeing all this in one place made him slowly realise what Koopin meant. "Flowers are different near the right path, right?" The flowers gently swayed back and forth within the breeze that came from nowhere, an invisible moaning drift that slithered through the trees to further make James tingle in his scales. He dared not touch the flowers, despite the fact they started giggling up at him. He took the path that was nearest to them, remembering how the first time he arrived, everything had eyes staring down at him. This world, now that I think about kinda fucked up. Trying to negotiate himself between the strange flora and the invisible fauna of the woods, he soon found himself in an almost-identical region of the forest. He did however have to deal with some particularly nasty enemies in the form of fuzzies and pirahna plants. The pirahna plants he was already aware of, but being plants he could easily cut them down or scare them away with his huge pair of scissors. After the first few prunings to make them hiss and screech with agony, they would soon leave him be. Fuzzies however were another matter, small furry-looking blobs that hopped around like a rabbit full of coffee. Their small dark-green bodies would sometimes dare to latch onto him, trying to bite onto his arm with tiny fangs to suck out some sweet energy. James however kept them well away enough with a few controlled fire blasts, being careful in either not hitting the forest itself, or simply dousing the flames immediately with water. One tree upon being doused with water made an eerie smile down upon him, suddenly appearing upon its trunk with a deep orange streak. The raptor panicked and backed off carefully, noticing it was the only tree in the area that did so. "H-heh...hehe...just...hehehehe...yeah, you don't scare me. Th-there's no ghosts here, and they'd just be boos, nothing dangerous right? ...yeah...just...giggle at them James. Giggle and walk away." Doing precisely that, he kept his spirits up with a small bounce in his step as he reached yet another circular path with the exact same group of trees and flowers. But he noticed upon careful inspection that something was off about the area. He did not remember the tree with an eerie smile where the giggling off-colour flowers were. Nor did he remember a huge cluster of mushrooms upon one certain tree trunk.

Seeing that they were luminous, he decided not to eat them, and simply walked on towards the path that was closest to them, trusting Koopin's advice. Soon as he reached the next identical group of trees surrounded by a circle pathway however, he heard voices coming down from one branching path that went deeper into the forest. "He'll probably call the guards but we'll be long gone by then." "So why aren't we leaving now?" "Cuz we still have to make sure no one can follow our tracks, now get sweeping." "Ohhh think that professor's gonna do anything about us?" "Hah, that ol' wispy-head? No chance, he'll help us soon enough whether he wants to or not. Just gotta make sure the mansion's secured first." James had sneaked around while they began to sweep the path, clearing their footprints away which he noticed to be that of solid boots. It was too dark to make out what they were, but he could definitely see that they wore dark hooded cloaks that completely covered their face and body. Even their hands were mysteriously shrouded, sweeping the path with brooms. James however was ready to come up behind them, until he stepped on a branch. They didn't even notice the minute crack it made, but they did notice James' muttering. "Fuckit." "Who's there?!" "AW fuck it!" "Come out intruder!" The raptor ran forwards from the darkness, slamming into them with a shouldercharge as he brought out his hammer handles. He wanted them alive for questioning, readily spinning out to try and smack both of them at the same time. However the black-cloaked beings were not some ordinary bandits, as they flew back with an absurd gust of wind assisting them, floating up into the air together. "State your business intruder," said one darkly, "before we blast you out of these darkened woods." "I'm here to rescue the guy you kidnapped," said the raptor with a stick towards them. "And I'm gonna beat your faces in until you let him go." "Hah, I don't think so." With a deepened chant that resonated through the trees, one of the cloaked beings blasted a dark blue ball straight towards the raptor, who quickly dodged backwards as it dissipated magically into the ground. James knew he was at a possible disadvantage, seeing these were genuine magic users by the way they floated effortlessly together. But he wasn't undaunted as he charged forwards with a plan, waiting for them to fire another ball before he summoned his own wind power, slamming them down from above.

The ball misaligned its shot, as the cloaked beings plummeted to the ground for the raptor to readily beat their faces in. Dashing forwards, he leapt into the air with hammersticks high above, before he was soon pushed back hard by some unseen force. This wasn't wind he felt, but some sort of solid energy pushing him back against a tree, groaning in pain as the tough bark scraped his back. He recovered soon enough and waited for their next shot, another dark blue magic ball that went straight for him. This time however he decided that he needed to up the ante a little more, dodging their shots as he quickly put his sticks away, before unveiling his scissors. He knew one thing they could do, waiting for another attack. The moment the magic ball spun towards him like a giant marble, he swung his blades like a baseball bat, slicing the sphere in two like it was nothing but water. "H-huh?!" sputtered the cloaked beings. "H-how can your weapon do that?!" "Magic bitch, I ain't gotta explain shit. You know that well enough right?" "Hmph...indeed we do." The two mysterious beings soon combined their energies, sending out two balls of energy straight towards James, but this time with a twist. Instead of going in a straight line, they snaked in the air with a pendulum motion, swinging closer to him to try and confuse him, crossing perfectly over each other. The way they moved, he thought he would be able to cut both at the same time. He was wrong. One ball was harmlessly cut in half, while the other slammed straight into his gut like a football, making him fall onto his knee. It was a deep bruising pain, taking the wind out of him before he sucked it up and got back again. Encouraged by this successful hit, the cloaked figures made another spell, sending out several magical spheres in a circle towards James, smaller but with greater numbers.

As much as he tried to repel them with wind, or deflect them with his scissors, there were just too many of them coming at the same time for the raptor to deal with, with several balls of energy pounding into his body like a dozen baseballs. One alone was not enough to hurt him bad, but several all at once was starting to wear down on his endurance, leaving bruises upon his body as he tried to fight back, worried about setting fire to the forest. "Had enough freak?" mocked one of the shadowy figures. "Or you ready for round two?" "Heh, bring it on, I'm not leaving this forest until you let go of that mailman!" "Oh you're not leaving this forest alright...we'll make sure of tha-OW!" Suddenly, a stick had been swung up at one of the cloaked figures striking him on the head. He quickly grabbed it out of the air as it bounced off of him, seeing it to be a simple wooden stick dripping with honey. "Wh-what the heck is this?!" "Doesn't matter, deal with this guy first!" "Wait, what's that?!" All three of them started to hear a faint buzzing noise. Soon it turned louder, heading towards them at a furious pace. The two cloaked beings looked around with confusion, before they turned behind them to see a most dreadful sight. A sight that would make even the most hardened soldier turn and flee. "Ohhhhh nooo BEEEEES!" "BEES!" "BEEEEEEEEEEES!" The two figures quickly jumped down onto the ground, cancelling their spell and running off into the woods in a panic, the huge cloud of bees zigzagging after them with a blazing anger. James kept out of the way, hiding out of sight from them to not get caught up in the melee of bee stings that was sure to come. He heard the shadow figures screaming with fear, the kind of fear that could not be taken seriously as their yelps and yips faded away into the forest. "Hhhahaha...not so tough now are ya? ...wonder if I can shoot bees out of my arm? ...naaah that'd be stupid."

Getting his breath back after the magical pounding he had received, James walked over towards the honey-glazed stick and wondered who had thrown it. Then he turned the corner only to find a broken beehive, completely cracked and bleeding its rich golden essence. "Huh...hey! Whoever helped me out, I owe ya one! wanna come out and lemme say thanks?!! ...alright, whatever!" Shrugging as he cared not enough to concern himself with the unseen helper, James cautiously measured out the layout of the area, judging what was different for this time. So far nothing was out of place. No smiling trees, no giggly flowers, no glowing mushrooms. The only thing he saw out of place was the beehive. With no other clue to guide him, he headed off down the path closest to its remains. Eventually he found himself reaching the other end of the forest, passing straight through into a larger clearing. He would have felt relief for having seen the barrier of trees behind him, were it not for what he saw in front of him. A grand dark manor, with rows of unlit windows all bearing down on James with unseen eyes hiding behind curtains. A tall imperial purple roof crowned the top of its tombstone-grey facade, walls seemingly impassable beyond whatever area lied beyond it. A crotchety little stone wall stood before the front of it, complete with a small iron gate. He half-expected lightning to strike out of nowhere, gazing towards his right to where a pathway went past the mansion. "This must be the Boo's place," said FG aloud. "...I bet some of 'em will remember me, there has to be some who do, right?" He also saw a Question Block floating to his right, as still as the few deadened trees that still stood upon the mansion grounds. He used his hammer handles to smack upwards at the block, pushing out a yellow mushroom from the top of the box. It seemed to be like any other mushroom other than its yellow colour, and what appeared to be a lightning mark on the fungal head. "Ooooh...Iiiii better not eat this. Maybe Koopin'll want it." Pocketing the mushroom into his satchel, he stepped forwards bravely into the mansion grounds, the gate swinging open into two halves with a teeth-grinding creak before closing behind him. He stepped up to the front door, a stately brown double-set up a small marble step within an overhang above the doorstep. He cautiously knocked first, finding the door to just swing gently inwards. "...oh, okay, sure, let's stay in for the night folks, surely nothing bad'll happen if I sleep here and out of this STORM." He raised his hand to the sky, hoping that thunder and lightning would come to him while accompanied by a heavy downpour. He was greatly disappointed when there wasn't. "Maaaaan you guys have the perfect opportunity and you don't, this is so laaaaame." Taking the mansion without any fear by the power of sheer mockery, the raptor walked inside, already expecting the most typical horror clichés this world could throw at him. Not that he wasn't thankful that it would be something he could handle for once.

Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 15 - Another Mansion

Stepping into the grand entrance hall of the dark "abandoned" mansion, James began to scan the area cautiously. It was quite an impressive place, a curtained staircase to his left and a worn but pricey-looking sofa to his right. The sofa had its own...

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 13 - The Weston Kingdom

The interior of the pyramid welcomed them with some relief from the blazing heat outside, but the cold had hit them so smoothly that they could not help but shiver. Stone yellow halls glistening with the firelight of strangely-lit torches, cobbled...

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 12 - The Great Expedition

James and Koopin spent two more days on the island together, taking their time to enjoy the best of what the island had to offer. Despite the tropical jungle and beyond being off-limits for the sake of safety, Koopin did meet up with a fellow member of...

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