Winterfall - Beyond The White

**"Beyond The White"** ** ** **By Lauren Rivers** Gauges covered the steam hub indicating the various levels of pressure being routed throughout the massive city. ...

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Change in Venue- January

His coworkers cry out at his appearance and in the confusion the annoying coworker ends up standing in the way from paul and the exit.

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Playing Curse

Aurum wondered if any of his coworkers would recognize him or not. it wasn't like white tigers with gold stripes were exactly common. but, they wouldn't assume he had just turned into a kid upon seeing him right?

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Snows story Chapter one

As i got into work i was greeted with the usual fuck you fagget by my coworkers i just ignored them and got to my seat behind the till and waited for the first customer to come to get there shopping paid for.

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Lumbear-Jack Drones

Jack found strange that many, or all, of his coworkers had the same profile: single-handed, renting, with little communication with other people and very few relatives.

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Dating Out. Chapter Three.

Corey had basically pounced his coworker the very minute they'd walked in to join him on his shift. the cornish rex was far thinner and more lanky than corey was.

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 4- Imperfect Certainty

"it seems they want you up there, lukan," said one of lukan's coworkers. it was one of lukan's only friends besides the otter. in fact his only other friends were his coworkers here.

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Just passing by

Roy frantically tried to call noma, but alas, signal was dead just like power, too focused on the screen the chameleon didn't even notice the screams from his coworkers suddenly getting up and rushing for the elevator.

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[citation needed] - Thursday Prompt Story [#8, 23/2/23]

Not only was all of it incoherent, but it also cut away at a concerning majority of other coworker's contributions!

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Lost & Found

Though, it was more accurate to say \*former\* coworkers, as several more cats jumped down into the aisles between their desks and began mingling about the office. this had gotten out of hand.

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Capsule - Prologue + Chapter 1

It was our usual friday dinner with my father's coworkers from the laboratory. at this point they were more than coworkers though, being practically family as they spent time with us every day.

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Thirteen Tales 2020: First Tale

Hopefully if any of his coworkers saw his movements they would just think they had seen a bug. a very large orange glowing bug. he tried not to think about it as he flew out of the window and into the outdoor world.

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