Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 3

It seemed like every wolf in the tribe was gathered near the centre of the village, talking excitedly, those in the back jumping up to get a better look at whatever they were all crowding around. ander didn't like this.

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He finally asked

excited? why could i possibly be excited?" she rubbed at her chin as she pretended to think. "hmm...

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Lost Into the Past Chapter 11

He looked over to thurston, noticing that he looked a little excited, but he was probably more excited than he let on. "hey, mr. thurston? do we have any... warm clothing for the north pole?" nathan asked.

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Raiyev Part 1

There was obviously excitement in the fox's voice, but brad couldn't tell whether it was joyful or fearful excitement. "okay, i'll be there in half an hour. raiyev won't like it too much-we only have one car, you know." "i know, i know.


Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 3

It seemed like every wolf in the tribe was gathered near the centre of the village, talking excitedly, those in the back jumping up to get a better look at whatever they were all crowding around. ander didn't like this.

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The Pornstar's Son 2: 05 - Foreclosure of a Dream

I could see a bit of the excited grin return to his muzzle as i let the statement hang for a moment.

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Snowkit's Ambition (Part 1)

Snowkit trembled with excitement as the clan leader spun around and addressed the clan, his muzzle lifted. "featherstar and thunderclan have demanded fishing rights in the river!

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All For You #7-2 (SFW Inflation-based, for Any)

All on a scale from very shy to excited (perhaps too excited) as they tried to wait patiently in order to get serviced. for a moment, you wonder where you should go. "welcome, hotstuff."

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Another Love Story: Chapter 1 - Silver lining...

Anyhow, i have never been so excited to start school. fresh start, new image, new people. i couldn't have been more excited! that excitement was accompanied with fear. i was gonna be the new kid. would everyone wanna beat me up?

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Pern: Clear and Deep

His excitement was augmented by his dragon, her eager wing beats arrowed them towards the distant river, picking up on his own eagerness.

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Running in the Rain

I actually realized what's at the core of my excitement...excitement! if that makes any sense. i'm excited to do my own thing, actually go on my own adventures. i'm excited to be on my own, and it won't be raining in this version!

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My Little Delirium - Chapter 1

"are you excited 'cuz i'm excited i've never been so excited except for that one time..." "howdy pinkie."

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