Fall of count Shal
The slime had taken oomar's visage entirely and except for the brain, would have looked just like living slime. "give me an order........
Vetraheil, time theories, and other information.
Despite popular stereotyping, dragons are exceptionally kind creatures (at least for the most part. there are notable exceptions). they will go out of their way to try and comfort you.
GoM-Ep18-Darius Elmwood-
But for those who are used to a certain brown moose no one really noticed the difference except for eva as she had a crush on brian and not darius but grew suspicious of this.
College Transformation Part 5
He turned back around to see the same in the other direction, except now there was a soul stealer coming towards this one. this one was different somehow. it simply filled mike with pure terror.
musket: chapter three
Car pass by or a sideways glance from a stranger. victor couldn't really blame the other furs for looking at him strange. he knows that if he was in someone else's shoes he would look at them the same way. his tail was almost constantly between his legs except
Old Enemies
_"no, we are spread out all over this universe, no one would know how many remain, except..."_ "except?"
The Legend of Spyro: Return of the Dragon ch.4
The female now had a body much like cynder's when she was evil except that she had streaks of blues running across her body. she too had the majority of her hide turned black.
Chapter 17 Part 2
To be so close, yet find no trace of it except the silence, made no sense to him. with his wings aching fiercely, he stayed on the ground, allowing them to rest while he searched.
(sort of) important question for my watchers
(like the previously mentioned exception?)**
Cats and Dogs
Saul was a highschooler, a junior, and that gave him the immunity to mock all the students onboard except the two seniors who also rode the bus, and the one other junior.
Supersizing a Superhero
Nobody suspected that anything amiss could be going on behind the building's closed door; nobody, that is, except the city's one hope for salvation.
"The Thin Line," Part T
I didn't interrupt her, except for one point where i sat next to her, and put my arm around her.