Little Miss Chaperon-Rouge

(she was a pretty but exceedingly greedy young lady.) looking at the basket, she frowned and then stuffed it in the woodpile. well, what was the point? no loaf and only two cakes... well one actually - she'd just crammed its partner into her mouth.

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She had studied all forms of anatomy, as the girl was an apprentice healer on planet nuari, although she exceeded her master in her ability to transfer healing energy to their patients. she looked at the woman's skin.

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680 Sphynx Kitten

The back of the ancient house incorporates an exceeding curious structural feature, whereby a river emerges from solid rock underneath the house itself, originating out of basements and sub-sub-basements and cellars and all manner of other, more suspect deep

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Izzy Character Profile

Personality flaws: having said that, izzy is also a remarkably shy and exceedingly timid squirrel as well.

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The Dying Stars

Her gaze met with that of a creature forged of flame and scale, of power and of exceedingly large intellect. it was a creature out of lore.

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Case File: 001

General breakdown of data as follows: - mustelid's have hallucinations most rapidly, and metabolize the drug exceedingly quickly. research potential dietary advantages. - canines prove most resilient to therasphetamine.

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Chapter 43 The Flame is Lit

She had breakfast with hellene at the incredibly long table in the dining hall, and the princess was very quiet and morose - for which azrian was exceedingly grateful.

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Tribes of Anowara: Prologue

From where he stood it appeared almost as large wall of red, with some black, but the red was exceedingly prominent. as they got closer, he realized what they were: kígáat war canoes.

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Forbidden Blood 5

Finally a warrior fox jumps from behind a tree and thrusts his sword at him, but the young wolf far exceeded in martial arts and easily disarmed and defeated him by knocking him unconscious with a high kick towards the back of warrior's neck.

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Light Falls (Prologue)

She never saw visaj outside the morning commute, which was perhaps a blessing in disguise - though the bat was exceedingly friendly, thia had trouble listening to the native echo-accent, so common to most kinds of bats living here, for longer than fifteen

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902 The Kamikaze Fish

Meanwhile, whole streets of identical new apartments have colonized the empty space around them, and the original homes that still exist near the base have been expensively refurnished, since they vastly exceed the much lower bar placed on the construction

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Zero Absolute (Phase One: Chase)

She was no stranger to hazardous conditions far exceeding freezing temperatures in a dark forest. she crept along a bit slower, however, having to practically feel around for her footing. "my, my, my. what a stranger we have here."

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