Evolution's Gate Ch.2 - Eve's Story

#2 of occult magazine: evolution's gate on the sixth day of autumn 2010, the cult known as evolution's gate became disbanded after police discovered the bodies of 47 of its members in the cerulean cave.

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Chapter 32: Evolutions! Achieve Victorious!

Paildramon is a mix digimon or should we say a dna evolution from stingmon and exveemon, and omnimon is the dna evolution from wargreymon and metalgarurumon." "you mean two digimon into one?" asked al hearing it for the first time.

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Kaiju Chaos; Manual.

Kaiju evolutions:- they all have four evolution forms that vary in ranking.

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Wereness 6. The Migration

--"but only a few hundred with stable enough genetic code for the evolution occurring across the planet. their evolution is coming about in a unique and also has its source form deep in the wilderness.


Chapter 35: Stoping the Raid of Terror

"armor evolutions, can you five deals the tank digimon and subdue them?" "not a sweat." flamedramon replied representing the armor evolutions. "lillymon, soul, take the survivors to a safe place.

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Pokken Fighters Promo

Recruited those who achieved mega evolution but one from each types such as fire, thunder, water, etc.



"spirit evolution!" "biomerge evolution!"

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Their names are actually the japanese translated names of the evolutions that i planned to evolve them into.

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As One

I hope we will be talking about evolution, mister yin did mention it yesterday. man, i can't wait 'till evolution day comes!_ i gave a happy yip and jumped a ways into the air. i already know what eeveeloution i want to be.

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NMH- Peace in place

Not only them but their first and secound evolutions as well.

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 5

The problem is that out of the five eevee evolutions only one lives in the water. for the eevee that decide to become an evolution other than a vaporeon our teaching is largely useless. you on the other hand have spent all your life on the land.

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Into the Depths Part 7

"we are inevolutes children of god caterpillars in a cocoon to the next evolution. we can only pass through the evolution to the next form when we die. the next form is that we are gods of our own limitless expanse of parallell universe.

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