The Kocher Recordings: Entry One

Be sure to watch me for future entries, which will be coming soon! entry one: grensew, illinois listen, if anyone's reading this, that means you're either a thief, a friend of mine, or some random schmuck off the street.

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Snow's Journal (Entry Three)

#4 of snow's journal entries i finally got some free time,so i wrote some more~ ^w^ things are starting to pick up,but are far from the height :3 anywho,i'll work on this some more as soon as i can :d 11th rain's hand 4e 203 so much has happened!

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Snow's Journal (Entry Two)

#3 of snow's journal entries a little project of mine about a young,male khajiit (snow) who begins keeping a journal as he goes through a part of his life as an assassin,meeting the love of his life along the way,and eventually settling down with him.

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Contest Entry: PlasterPaws (Gluepaw)

**Mr. Salem Izmir Wednesday, February 29, 2012 Personal Proposition/Notification** My most esteemed compatriot, I can't tell you how much it means to me that you placed TajLabs 'business collaboration partners. By your recent announcement, I...


Brim Journal Entry 1

#1 of d&d d&d a journal entry by my character in a d&d campaign i'm in. she is a 14 charisma tiefling (half devil half human) who is very androgynous but very very attractive.

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Journal Entry, First Day

Has told you today that they are sick of your self-pity and are sick of hearing your griping, and all that you want to do is go please yourself by attempting to drown misery in a six-pack or yiff porn or whatever, well, my friend, i hope that this journal entry

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Isi’s Story - Entry One

#1 of isi's story another entry in the shared universe. i didn't mean to do two mus entries in a row, but isi wanted to get her story out ahead of anything else.

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Snow's Journal (Entry Four)

#5 of snow's journal entries it has been quite some time since i updated this little short, but i'll be posting more entries soon enough~!

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Snow's Journal (Entry Five)

#2 of snow's journal entries 14th rain's hand 4e 203 unexpectedly, a large storm has frozen over entrance to cave which we had called "home" for the night.

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Snow's Journal (Entry One)

#1 of snow's journal entries a little project of mine about a young,male khajiit (snow) who begins keeping a journal as he goes through a part of his life as an assassin,meeting the love of his life along the way,and eventually settling down with him.

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Re-entry (Otherwise Untitled)

The basilisk's gaze turned to the planet below as the last remnants of her suit abraded into atmosphere; her recollection of the approaching coastline's pizza was fond, and she hoped the lack of pants wouldn't interfere with buying a slice.

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The Pillow Book of Sethira: Entry Two

* * * i mentioned a meeting in my last entry. this is because a while ago, andarria had told me she wanted to set one up.

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