Snow's Journal (Entry Three)

Story by techfistWolfguy on SoFurry

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#4 of Snow's Journal Entries

I FINALLY got some free time,so I wrote some more~ ^w^

Things are starting to pick up,but are far from the height :3

Anywho,I'll work on this some more as soon as I can :D

11th Rain's Hand 4E 203

So much has happened! Khajiit is overjoyed! He can hardly contain how happy he is! *Small symbol that looks like a smile*

Where does Khajiit begin? *Random ink splotches*

Oh! Yes! Traveling with Urjora and Kharjo was much fun; even managed to protect the caravan from being attacked by bandits. "How did Khajiit do this?",you may ask. Simple; spoke with the bandits. Khajiit does not like taking life when it is not necessary,and a tongue of silver helps sway even the hardiest of rogues~

Urjora seemed quite impressed by Khajiits use of words; says that it was like words in a book. Khajiit feels honored to have been complemented by his Lover *Small,heart shaped mark*

Khajiit also found out that his Lover comes from the land of Elsweyr; home of my kind. Urjora says he wishes to take his future husband there. Odd that he says it so openly; no wife? Only husband?

(Note: Must ask Urjora about this!)

He and Kharjo spoke of the warm sands and expansive jungles; what a sight that must be! Urjora spoke of his time as kitt; worked hard to learn spells from a Breton ran a small magic shop not too far from where he lived.

The Breton (Trystival was his name...I believe) eventually took him on as his apprentice,teaching healing magics and agressive spell types ("Destruction spells" is what they're called,if I remember correctly). Urjora says that he and Kharjo met not too long ago,packing up together and heading out of Elsweyr as a small trade caravan.

The last part of the night before is fuzzy; memory not clear (Too much "Elsweyr Fondue"!)

All he remembers doing is bringing Urjora a bouquet of mountain flowers and tundra cotton; quite embarrassing,to be honest. Urjora seemed in quite a happy mood the day after; Khajiit asked no questions.

Oh! Very important! Khajiit has left service of the Dark Brotherhood! Hasty decision,but believes that things between Urjora and Snow will work out far better than expected~

Now,Khajiit serves as guard for the caravan; no harm shall come to the caravan,or my sweet Urjora *Another small,heart shaped mark*

Before Khajiit forgets,he wishes to write of the first time he gazed at the stars and moon with his lover~

Breathtaking was the sight! Urjora and Snow spoke of many things,though the one thing that stood out was how he spoke of love. Urjora say that he has only been with one other Khajitt; says the two were very fond of one another,but the two eventually drifted apart. Poor Urjora's heart broke; other Khajiit found new partner only days after they parted. Khajiit wanted to comfort Urjora,so he held him close; a "hug" Urjora called it. Khajiit told his Lover that he would try to make things better for him. Urjora smiled and "hugged" Khajiit back. So soft...such a sweet scent...the memory feel so real! Can not stop thinking about it!

Urjora and Khajiit have talked much since then; still searching for a gift to give him *List of items on the side of the journal: ring,necklace,clothing,circlet,book. Each item followed by a question mark; other,unintelligible scribbles trail off below the list*

Caravan will be traveling to Markarth soon; Khajiit hopes that the road will be safe for us,and that there he may find a gift for his Love,Urjora~

Happy times have swept away the sorrows of times past; I thank you,Lady Marra

Snow's Journal (Entry Four)

13th Rain's Hand 4E 203 Finally, we have set up camp! For two days,Caravan has been on the move; Khajiit's hindpaws ache, but keeping Urjora safe is worth the pain. Speaking of his Lover makes his heart feel...funny. It is a warm makes...

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Snow's Journal (Entry Two)

4th Rain's Hand 4E 203 I saw him today; the Khajiit. Light brown fur all over,a long striped tail,a short mane,and those emerald green eyes; there's no mistaking it. He was buying blacksmithing supplies from Miss Avenicci; lots of pelts and hunks...

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Snow's Journal (Entry One)

2nd Sun's Dawn 4E 203 Khajiit is keeping this journal in an attempt to document the part of his life, as he struggles to find his place in this land of cold and snow that its natives call "Skyrim". If he happen to pass on to the life after...

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