Slightly Foxed, But Still Desirable

A lover is not a book, and only once could it ever be a folio edition, and that's not a crude joke at physical virginity.

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Other people are there for you: Srsly (Get 5 Beta Readers!)

Having people critique your work and edit it for you is, yes, very very handy. but don't make them edit it for you until you've fixed every potential error you can find. asking for ideas is fun, sure, but you need to figure out the shocking truth.

Mishka Meets LeiLani

As a side note, i asked my friend [shouyousei]( to edit, since my editor and backup were both asleep, as such i told shou to do as she wishes with editing so she put it through how she felt it should be and i like what

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I'm taking out endless chains of posts and editing them together into one, cohesive story. before you groan, i'm not just copy pasting our stuff.

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Gutter Giggles. By Archangel Vulpine.

It's been through multiple edits thanks to my wonderful editing friends whom i can't thank enough. it's taken a long time, but i'm finally doing the thing! gutter giggles: amari is a business woman, sensible and professional.

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Char idea

edit: well, since its not the same char anymore cause of edits, its fine now. x3 but still gonna put it here for reference just uploading it here so i won't have to worry about copyright issues. char © me.

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Tempergris' Shores [AAAA]

By the end i'll post whatever i have here, raw or as edited as i manage to get it. i'll try to edit the story as a whole once it's finished but that might take a while.===do you like my work? you can get a commission!

Nicashee SFW Bio


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The True And Potent SECRETS of SoFurry Story Formatting

Spending too long editing within that webform risks losing all editing work 2. the small text box means a small visual window into the text being edited.

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Sabryna's Dinner; Part One


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RH3 Incoming

I am hard at work editing the flippin' heck out of _rabbit heart_ part 3. it's very near to completion, but i want to make sure i get it all as clean and polished as i can before i start posting.


Help please..

Please help me with this story [\_2bwm/edit?usp=sharing]( ~chaotic folf
