Names Long Lost - S

He weakly reached a hand out in front of his face in a vain attempt to stabilize himself, but he only felt more disoriented. the mirror image of countless stars reflected off the tinted visor on his motorcycle helmet. _i'm alone again...

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Curse of the Werewolf

Panting and disoriented, he crouched on all fours in the center of the clearing, listening carefully for any sign that the ruckus had alerted anyone to his hiding place. eventually, he regained his feet and was able to examine himself.

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Chapter 5: Silence

. \*\*\* when jamie awoke, he was a bit disoriented, wondering why his apartment looked so different. and what on earth was on his arm?

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Chapter 1: Magic

This part is always disorienting at first. i have to gather my bearings and get used to the new sensations, or lack thereof, before i can do my neat trick: speaking.

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Auxelle's Fight

But when she has everything set up, auxelle comes in totally disoriented from her latest bout with launa which left her badly injured and disoriented, angela tells her to watch out before she stumbles and falls on the table with the drone and cake which launched

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Species: Skr'rit Companion

Hidden fangs in her upper jaw are hinged and she possesses paralytic venom that is disorienting in small amounts and potentially deadly in larger doses.

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A Thief's Adventure

The beast howled in agony as it fell backward, its senses blocked and disoriented, the thief taking off into the darkness. the trainer and her guard dog stopped, blind as bats in the pitch dark, unforgiving woods.

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Faith Containment Log: Diamond

It's important to keep this in mind while approaching her as having another voice in your head can be disorienting and can cause confusion. rest assured it does not mean you are in danger, she is just making contact with you.

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South-eastern Corth'nar

Your jaw" she says in a cool voice, making all three laugh and the 'leader' brushes his hand roughly against her cheek, she grips two of his fingers and twists his hand around, away from her face and swings her other hand swiftly towards his jaw making him disoriented

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The doors creaks with a loud metallic grind filling the previously pitch black room with a disorienting amount of light. the tears filling the creases of my eyes turn into a steady stream, dampening my cheeks with their saline solution, "no, no!"

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7even Towers: Chapter Three

Her appearance had changed drastically after she summoned what they called her secondary conduit, and her so called primary conduits had also changed, they appeared to be made out of the flame of god but i knew it was a trick meant to disorient me.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 11- Slaying A Shark

Another rush of lightheadedness disoriented the garchomp. his vision blurred, one lopunny split into several others, it was hard to keep focus on the real one.

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