Who Would have Guessed?

But i digress. anyway, i was helping put the groceries up when i dad looked at me. "jake," he said, "do you have any plans for the weekend?" i groaned inwardly. he was wanting to know if i had a date!

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The Story of Captain Padfoot, Part 1

Loving family to wrap me up in their arms to congratulate me on graduating from space academy, the reason, they have all but disowned me because i'm gay, oops did i forget to mention that, well now you know, i'm nothing more than a common tail raiser, but i digress

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Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire. Part 15.

Call this, the arrival of the dawn patrol, and from the happy sounds emanating from both furs, i'm guessing that they both had an extremely good night, hell, if i weren't with wolverine, i probably would have had fun with either wolfie or tony, but hey, i digress

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The Legend of Spyro: Return of the Dragon ch.3

But i digress, so just be patient, i still have to develop the story line in my head first before it gets typed up lol. c u guys ltr

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An Interview with gamestreamer/Psudo

However, i digress. we now understand a little bit about your background in how you entered the furry fandom, however, there is still the question of how you came to realize you were an abdl!

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Theo's Assent - Chapter 3 [Comm]

I digress, however. we aren't here to talk logistics of what we are and where we come from, we're here to talk about you, my dear theo." the hair on theo's neck tingled.

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Lost Haven: Aunt Ruth

Announcer went on to explain that in every season one lucky human winner would be able to submit a fantasy robot design, that would be built and entered in the ring with the "combatants" as he called them i didn't quite know what a robot was at that point, but i digress

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The Stonehouse Mysteries 1.1 - The Malicious Masquerade

However, as the means by which i gained it also tie into the narrative i shall digress no more. nature or chance had given both myself and my sister a rather slender and art-deco build and figure.

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The Weight: Chapter 11

The wolf only nodded, which caused humphrey to finally digress. "thank you," he thanked aloud. the wolf could not hear him, but understood what he had said and nodded. 'sit tight,' he instructed, 'i'll be back.'

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[SFW] Squirrelly Days #016 - Yineh

digressing. does anyone have any questions before i go about my business? yineh: you know anything about mirra-su's disappearance? enkoro: i do not, unfortunately. i'm intrigued by what vivica heard, however, as i myself heard no such sound.

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Study Buddy: Part One

But i digress... i jump out of my bed, quickly find a nice shirt and some nice jeans to wear, and rush out the door in record time.

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But i digress. this was my first effort to contribute something that is new, different, and interesting to the fandom. i do hope that it forces my readers to think about it. comments and constructive criticism are ever-appreciated.

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