Words on a paper 2

Your souls, tearing at the strings of fate, wishing they were not of this earth. Has the high power forsaken us? Are we simply an experiment gone wrong? No matter what your choice is, you can't change what is meant to be. You hear the cries of the...


Dealing with my past.

A few years ago, my pet General died, and I wrote a story for him... I lost it sadly. And then I lost my Mom, and I guess I have been keeping it inside for to long. Anyways it isnt cut your self Emo, but it is about me, my life, and my pain... Also to...


Darkness Calls

Standing at the edge Staring into the abyss I hear the voices behind me Hear the words Tormenting me Teasing me Destroying me My self-worth lies in ruins My life fails I feel the oppression closing in Suffocating me Squeezing out...


A lone wuff

I sit here naked and alone No one to love or hold Nobody to grab on to while I grow old Destined to be alone a wolf without a pack What skills do I lack? Who has my back? I try and fail lifes like a jail Cold and unforgiving How am I to go on...



Darkness inside me, Constantly fighting, Barely winning, This fight is always, Happening silently. Life goes on, Without noticing, My fight, Sometimes I just want, To scream out. But I don't, I fight, Slowly losing, The darkness is...



As I sit on the cushion, tracing my fingers along these keys; my paw lifting the warm tea to my lips as I melt the dark chocolate piece remaining in my muzzle. Many thoughts run through my head from what my last day at work will be like to how I'm...


poem of years long ago

day after day in endless repeat i walk and live with no reson of my exsistance im sick of this walk im sick of this place im sick of every one telling me it will be okay im sick of going to bed alone knowing that i will never be in the arms of a lover...


Because I can't.

Because I can't. Talk to you face to face. I can barely talk to you here. I know what I did. I know what I will do. But please, don't forget. I can break. If i'm not broken yet. I'll just pick myself, up picking up the lost peices. You've...



Sorry. Did I do something? Something to make you hate me? Something that I did? Is it something you did? Sorry. You did nothing, nothing at all In my eyes [your](http://shadwolffang.deviantart.com/gallery/ "Powered by Text-Enhance") perfect...


As These Days Go By

As these days go by, My heart grows cold. I feel an empty love That does not exist. As these days go by, All that surrounds me melts away. Isolated by an empty canvas, Nothing else is in complete focus. As these days go by, I find out what...


mess up song

I'm a mess up I screw all up I'm the worst thing to ever exsist. It will never get better for a husky that has messed up to much. So some one come save me I'm destressing a damsle because I can't be saved. Please please help me I'm crying but I'm not...



In halls of glory I sit on the bench of shame. I'm always saying these rumors never happened to me. They killed myself I lived for 5 seconds just to gasp oxygen. Behind the allyways I almost lost my virginity to a rapest. I cut my arms to control my...
