The Tome of Purgatory Gods and Goddesses

What we inhabitants of purgatory see as deities,others see as normal men and women. in this tome i will list all eight purgatory deities and how they came to be. the first goddess is the goddess of wind,the chief god/goddess among the rest.

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Polytheism Within My Writing

**claritina** - theo's other daughter the lioness goddess is the pair of her twin sister as the goddess of necessity and inevitability.

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Eilistraee (Kreet - 39)

The goddess smiled then and stepped even closer.

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Alexander Bio/Backround

After that,the god of darkness started to train alexander to control valixai's power and his own awakening power at the request of the wind goddess.

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CotJ II: The last Stand Act III Part II

A god was torn asunder when pandemonium vaporized the realm guardian into nothingness before the void god looked down at the charging human. " **minions assist your master!"

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Forging Thoth's Daughter: Notes

Anyways, i suspect sekhmet is an older god given the blood drinking being very common among pre-agrarian societies. resolution- commit to the men-nefer cult thoth a remarkably consistent god, but has all the hallmarks of a post-agrarian god.

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Eternal Mortality: The Fastolf Story

Adina, the goddess of love refused to leave with the other gods, she being the goddess of love, simply could not part with the people of osa.

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Tales of Earth and Animalia Prologue

On animalia the dire brother created the seventeen deities of animalia. these are the seventeen deities of animalia. the leonian god of space spacernum and wielder of lightna bearus god of light and claymore of space.

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Lord of arms-Chapter 16

As the door shut behind them, arthur found himself alone with the god. he had been with the god before, but he felt rather awkward this time. after all, what could he say to a god?

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The Council of Species

god of humans, god of wolves, and god of rabbits are much closer to the head, whereas god of aye-ayes, god of sugar gliders, and god of scorpions would be towards the other end of the table.

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