Chapter 2 Rebecca White Tail
Buck had however lowered his guard enough with manipulative young pup for her to be able to swipe his mobile during one of their debriefing sessions.
The Devil's Toys
He just remained silent the rest of the debriefing, only speaking when he needed to. he described horrific scenes to the room of the terrifying new threats we now faced. when the debriefing was over, we were all dismissed.
Raven Squad Nine {The Beginning}
According to the debrief i received before being assigned to rsn their last mission had seen them shamed by a failure to complete their mission that also lead to the death of their recon while they where retreating to their ride out.
The Beginning of an End
One of these days he gonna end up for debriefing......or a hospital...again... blaze: again? for which subject? shadow: (both of them laughed it off and walked out of the room.)
Chakat Thornbrier & AP&R History
After debriefing thornbrier did retired to ashworth estate on chakona as planed, but with far less fanfare as the military classified the hidden planet to be top secret.
Chapter 3
The day before the supposed battle, the main generals of king jared's army divided the royal army and the bounty hunters into smaller groups to be debriefed on the battle plan. "i'm not going to sugarcoat this."
Patreon 4 - Macross Xilimyth
"general schott is just dying to hear your latest debriefing." he decided it best to just fall back in his seat with a sigh. the autopilot had kicked in to take him around to their designated docking bay, so there was little else to do.
Venturing: Canipark
Saying nothing more as kyro took over the conversation and filled my head with the necessary details that our boss, yang had debrief them about. i constantly nod as if agreeing with them.
Chapter IV: First Time Explorers
When they arrived, they reported to the common area, which also functioned as the debriefing room. joel was located, and orson explained the results of the mission.
Into Darkness: Bouyancy
It is strongly recommended and ordered that all colonists not currently receiving care or administering it report to the great hall for debriefing and instruction on how to utilize your new bodies' abilities--including how to breathe.
Chapter IX: Furrther Confusion
Mark was debriefed by joel, and then he went to medical bay to talk about the possibility of a permanent breathing apparatus.
The Volantis Corps-Ch3
1_" i exclaim as i look over the notes of chris's debrief. "how'd he survive when his peers died? i never thought my brother a coward. nor would he hide when his comrades died in front of him." i say these things as i pace in the middle of our room.