My Destiny: The Rising Sun

And committed the most honorable thing he could do. there was hope for me; however, i need to stop the bleeding soon.

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Lore: Vulpeculan Principalities

The vrr denies all atrocities committed by riya. common felo - a former prince who threw away his title and put his lot in with the vrr.

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A Second Chance

"i'd subject you to an unimagined eternity of suffering for the crimes you've committed in the past against my children...and the crimes you would commit again!" choking, the human looked up, then his face went ashen. "yes..." growled the stag.

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Kaspar Hauser

Whether the fox is indeed the son of rulers or not, he has committed no crime that would warrant such continued attempts on his life and we must find bodyguards to protect him at all hours of the day and night.

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Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 19 - Revelations Amongst Frauds

Immortal season 2 - chapter 19 - revelations amongst frauds after escaping the desert of the men who committed violence against god. the two came to the edge of a cave then they stopped. before them laid the ten horrible bolgia.

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Invane: At nuater

committed to the act, harkell responded to the short pause of silence, "what in wolves have you done to huzizu?" "nothing, just committing revenge." haziyo responded, " ' revenge'?" harkell questioned haziyo who nodded slightly.

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 15

A great multitude of sins were committed by the wolf vacka, though all before this were attributable to that slumbering shadow that used him as its vessel. this was the first of vacka's sins committed by his own hands, and perhaps the worst.

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Chapter XIV: It'll Rain A Sunny Day

#14 of kaeden's commitment good chapter today - this one is one of my favorites. i'm glad to finally get to it!

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A Truly Difficult Decision

Bartuc and marcus were each too timid to challenge each other, hence the reason that they weren't in a committed relationship already.

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Legal Limits 2: A Letter

I had a boyfriend that committed suicide and ever since then it is something that always lingers in the back of my mind.

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A Conflict of Interests - Part 1

Maybe i really am not ready to commit to her yet. perhaps i'll retire early tonight and sleep on it, then consult autumn in the morning.

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3:26 The Times Between

Anyone who had ever spent any time there would immediately pick up on the vast amounts of violence people would commit against each other each day.

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