Pitch Episode 38: Boys Club
The troll's charisma was strong, but velmer didn't care. my goblin friend was careless about taking risks, but he didn't seem willing to play games when it came to his homefront. "we're supposed to be looking out for hunters," velmer said.
Creating a character
Female; mepa, diha religion kuranese pantheon, rashanian pantheon, nmarian pantheon racial features +2 intelligence +1 charisma +2 appraise +1 sense motive, the kuranese are excellent merchants and traders and cannot easily be fooled races races
Sexist Windows
Maybe we're just using the windows' connections and charisma?" "so you admit it!"
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 9
He would need every ounce of his charisma, bravery and quick-thinking. and he didn't have a lot of any of that to be starting with! in the corner of his nice new quarters was a khaki rucksack.
Blackfoot - Pathfinder Custom Race
. +2 constitution, +2 charisma, -2 wisdom. - **size** : blackfeet are medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size. - **type** : blackfeet are humanoids with the blackfoot and canine subtypes. - **base speed** : blackfeet have
Darzarath - To Expose the Shadow
He did witness darzarath's charisma before in the past couple of days, and his attempt to uncover more about her cryptic public image had led him to watch and listen several times to her few public appearance before.
Clans of the Masquerade: Prt 1
Presence - the power of supernatural charisma, inspiring awe in your allies and terror in your enemies. potence - the power of supernatural strength.
Anthropia 10
You grew up thinking we held our position because of our charisma. you clearly would never have survived in the food chain if you didn't show mage talents." lycan said, and as moon listened, it slowly began to sink in what he was trying to tell him.
Son of a Dream part 2
Humans had a different psychological density, a quality a dragon had an instinctive estimate to, and this little lady with the strange charisma and the unusual, uncharacteristic lack of fear did not measure up to the other two-legged friends he had.
Chance Encounters: Middle School. 8th Grade.
Chance looked like he should start acting, not to go on his looks alone but his charisma and smile could make even the teachers change their mind about giving him a b on a test instead of an a.
[Commission] Damsel in Distress
charisma can sure get you a long way." "admiring my handiwork, mizz lane?" a figure wearing what can only be described as country club clothing stepped from the shadows.
The End and The Beginning - Character Sheet - Rumar Black-Iron
Ability scores menu score racial bonus /final score strength 12 +2 14 (+2) dexterity 13 13 (+1) constitution 11 +2 13 (+1) intelligence 14 14 (+2) wisdom 12 12 (+1) charisma 12 12 (+1) [features & traits] magical tinkering infuse item (6 infusions