Hgjysews's anthropomorphic canine history 3 The appearance of the anthropomorphic jackal and the internal struggle for power(1185-1193)
There are many palaces, royal burial grounds, handicraft workshops of the kingdom, and civilian living areas and cemeteries.
Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 37 of 37 - End
I stayed back in the cemetery as a small party walked past the small gravestone. an old, graying arabian wolf couple was the last to leave and i approached them. both looked timeworn. "hi," i shook their hands, "my name's caleb."
A Sad Back Story
Lucas held a funeral for her, a simple funeral, closed casket, and burried in a private cemetery, so she could have peace, and rest.
Wolfie Steel: Private Eye, Part 2
I leave my computer and collect my digital camera, and then i head out to my truck to make the journey to the cemetery where she is buried.
Chapter 10: A Moment of Happiness
She and zaldon were in the cemetery, a lonely place on a lonely hill just outside the moon village.
Ghost Festival 3
When he passed by a cemetery, he heard knocking sounds. immediately he trembled all over with fear.
Surprise Drive - Epilogue
"yeah, we're coming, jady," amber answered her, "we just parked at the cemetery." "the _cemetery_?! what're you doin' _there_?! what, did you think i was _dead already_?"
Excerpt 19- Zombies Not To Scale
After i had taken care of the priest, mother angelica asked me to clean the zombies out of the cemetery behind the church so they could bury the priest and a couple of other survivors that had died recently.
2:7 Hell's City
As the cold seeped into your body, it reminded you of an old forgotten cemetery, buried in the sands of time. it was nights like these that the statues that were so familiar on any other changed into monstrous beings.
Mr. Saturday
Nothing like coming home to catch up with the folks and to stare at an old as dirt cemetery. what makes things worse, is that their guest bedroom faces the damn thing.
Dealing with my past.
Jacson was a sixteen year old bear, wearing a red shirt and his ussual blue jeans, he rides to the cemetary.
Happy Fathers Day / Ironically Beautiful
He gently got out of his car, putting on the safe, and went into a gate with a huge mark with words on it which clearly said "cemetery". io walked through the piles of gravestones, looking for a very peculiar one.