Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 120: Remembering Where You Started, Knowing Where You Are and Thinking About Where You Are Going To Be
Hue and dianna plan to be open really late tonight. so what will it be?" "meat!" shakara said. "salad will be fine for alex and myself." lady ursa said. "boris?" "um, yes, boris will have same." "alright, those will be right out."
The Awareness of Nothing
Ever being able to look beyond it while not possessing the ability of conceptualization, and being aware to their own extent, all forms of life have a subjective experience and must be respected -- it is easy for us to imagine what it must be like to be
Bronze Age Anthro Notes (WIP)
Leather and wool would be the primary clothing with furs being used to line or adorn and linens being reserved for those who could afford trading with the settled folk.
Everything you want to know about Cheshires - A Glossary of Insight
How does it have to be moved? can it be easily reproduced? where is it being built? how much of a consideration is the security around it going to be? should it be taken now? will it be quickly missed if taken?
Commission Terms and Info
At this point your retainer will be retained and will not be refunded if you cancel.
Consortium 1-2: Chekov's Gun Chapter 5
Everyone that would be in a position to make them feel the station needs to be targeted itself knows enough to fear the consortium.
Long Term Planning
I will inform his guardian of his name, and that she will be able to be present for his birth; which is rare you know."
Mega Garoozis
I will not be weak. i will be strong. i will be free!!_ thoughts slowly played through his mind as he recounted the hooded dragon from earlier in that day.
A Brief Report on Dragons ver. 2
As hard as it may be to believe, they have weaknesses just like everything else. for starters, they tend to be brash and arrogant.
Camp Pred + Collected notes
Furthermore..if folks have evidence of one of there being a predator they will very likely work together to trap you.. be advised.. most will recruit me to be the lethality of the alert my fine young predators....
Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 13: Waiting
be the case.
So You've Just Become a Weresquirrel
There are a number of situations where being able to fit through small tight spaces might be useful, extending from basic things like finally being able to clean that hard to reach spot behind the fridge, to more severe scenarios like being able to find a