Zootopia: Twas that dumb box!

Judy turned around a corner and came face to face with the evil master criminal of zootopia....black bart himself! "freeze bart! don't move a muscle!" judy yelled. the suspect refused to be still and judy unleashed a killer stream...

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Freedom Fire Chapter 12: The Bad

"i'll patch him up in no time, bart!" "you won't be getting away from me, young karkariz."

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 1

_you're not gonna glare the mountain any lower, girl,_ bart had told her time and time again, occasionally checking to see if his booze pouch was still empty.

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Freedom Fire Chapter 3: In the Mouth of Darkness

At night, when bartoz wanted to go to sleep, seraphor turned the black dragon to face him and said, "bart, can you do me a favor?"

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Chapter 23 - Hatred

_ bart never wanted him around, so he wasn't sure why he cared or worried about his well-being. arion had never been close to very many people in his entire life, and he didn't understand where the concern came from.

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Dragon's Pride 9

"oh...i'm sorry, bart." "sera," said yort. "this settlement is not only for the dragons around here. look."

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 11

I'm telling you, bart, these wolves are tough. it frightens me." "that's still no reason to -" "what about dad, huh? forgot about him?"

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 102

I'm telling you, bart, these wolves are tough. it frightens me." "that's still no reason to -" "what about dad, huh? forgot about him?"

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 14

Unless bart and nick were monumentally stupid, they'd be halfway to the basecamp by now, running as fast as their legs could carry them.

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Dons Nation 4 - Week 5

After the kickoff, paige once again tried to look for someone and found bart deguilhem. but deguilhem tipped the ball and it ended up on jesus kidd's hands, who ran it back for eleven yards and forced another dons turnover.

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Dons Nation 1

Darnell paige snaps the ball and looks at the side before passing it to bart deguilhem, which was then intercepted by thomas mercer who ran down the field before stepping out of bounds at the one yard line.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 105

Unless bart and nick were monumentally stupid, they'd be halfway to the basecamp by now, running as fast as their legs could carry them.

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