Seeker Species: Werewolf Age: 3000+ (Immortal) Orientation: Gay Home: Born in Atlantis but was made homeless after its destruction Height: 9 feet Color: Golden brown fur with amber eyes Powers: Water Guardian of Atlantis which gives him his...
Seekers Tale Part 22
Part 22 A month later I am standing alone in a clearing in the forest near the river. The same clearing where Shadow and I spent a lazy afternoon several weeks before. Today however is a much different day. I am standing with my back to the river...
Seekers Tale Part 20
Part 20 For the next couple days I was stuck in my room recovering still too weak to get out much. But with each day my strength returned more and more so that by the third day I was finally able to walk under my own power. Though I kept my trident...
Secrets Ch. 16
Chapter 16 Guided only by moonlight I make my way across the frozen yard towards the tree and broken branches. All day long the sounds of those branches crashing to earth has played over and over in my mind to the point where it became hard for me to...
Secrets Ch. 25
Chapter 25 With an excited bark the large hound pounces on me again trying to lick the scales off my face once again. With a chuckle I catch the large animal and spin with his momentum pinning him to the ground this time causing him to let out a loud...
Secrets Ch. 24
Chapter 24 Confused I look at Chase and just shrug as he gives me a questioning look as we follow my grandmother through the hall towards another side passage. Passing through a door we enter a long hallway leading down in a gentle slope before...
Secrets Ch. 28
Chapter 28 For the next couple days I barely left my room for any reason. After the unexpected reveal of my nature to Jasmine and Richard my state of mind fell into even greater disarray. Most of the time I spent sitting on the floor opposite the...
Secrets Ch. 14
Chapter 14 Several hours later I am laying there staring up at the ceiling with Chase laying next me sleeping with his head resting on my shoulder. Shifting my gaze I look down at him and study his face. His eyelids twitch and shift as his eyes...
Secrets Ch. 15
Chapter 15 The next morning, after restoring the illusion keeping my scars hidden, I set to work trying to translate the book Chase brought me the previous day while waiting for breakfast to finish cooking. At first its hard to translate the runes...
Secrets Ch. 23
Chapter 23 For a moment I just sit there staring at my grandfather as I try and process what he is saying. Eventually I manage to make my brain and mouth work together, "Excuse me?" Celestra smiles softly saying, "Your grandfather chose you to take...
A Silver Lining - Prologue
Prologue The wind rushes past my ears causing them to sting in the cool night air. Twigs and branches snag at my tattered clothes, getting caught in my fur. Each snag of cloth or plucked hair makes me jump and run still faster. I know they're still...
Secrets Ch. 11
Chapter 11 Back in my room I rummage around the drawers and eventually find a piece of paper and a pencil to make my list while I sit down on the side of the bed. As I am writing down the spices and other ingredients that I could use for future meals...