shadow 8

Although he could not place the source he did locate where the portal was, and he knew it was created from an artifact. though he could not track the artifact he began trying to track mr. von horn but something was blocking his power.

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Unknown Worlds: Pirates O Ho

You will surely then have the knowledge on where to find the other two artifacts." "the first artifact is here?" i exclaimed, but no information came indicating that i was on the right track or not.

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Box of Size

More likely, it was a real artifact he had picked up and was likely planning to try to reproduce later. telani's job had only been to shut the operation down and dispose of the replicas.

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A Theory of Equilibrium, Book 1, Part 6: Marked

A man, named sirino will pass through here with a magical artifact. this artifact is instrumental in saving the leader of my new alliance."

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Star Fox: Ascension #05 REPRISAL

Fox let go of his blaster and the artifact and threw his hands onto the controls, steering the ship back into a stable flight path.

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 2, The Heart of Élendor": Chapter-2

"moira, display a ray with the origin point at élendor prime when the artifact is thought to have disappeared, pointing in the direction the energy trail left by the artifact, and extend it to where the élendorians lost it."

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A Silly, Merrie, Looney Story (Commission for DragonfireNY)

This time, the one artifact inside of it, a intricately carved jade bull, teetered for a moment, before it smashed on the floor.

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Alter Destiny Chapter 1

Her real job is finding lost artifacts, especially magical ones. every few months or so she would take a break and head out searching for an artifact she heard about.


Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.2

"it looks like the artifact is projecting some kind of gravity well far in excess of its size. given that none of the debris around us is falling towards the artifact i'd say it has to be artificial and directed."

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The Fractal Paw

But all i did was smile as i approached the counter and replied "hello, i'm looking for a certain artifact. something old and rare that i heard you might have on hand here, i believe it is called the fractal paw?".

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 9

A female pine marten stared out the window over the blackened terrain, where only two of her scientists could be seen attempting to unearth another alien artifact.

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The Goddess Statue (Anthro Cat TFTG)

Coughing, he opened his eyes to see a bunch of covered artifacts. he entered the room, feeling the walls as he walked across the room.

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