Identity: Chapter Seven
"you were just watching senator adam johnson's anti-amendment 28 speech in houston, texas" she said, "and as you can see the reaction is quite diverse.
HSR Notes on the Void Warfare
Biological warheads exploit the gap and insert metal-consuming insects or bacteria or anti-crew pathogens.
Vincent reached into his pocket and quickly whipped out a bottle of anti-depressants to try and relieve some of the emotional pain which felt so heavy.
Retired Hardware (Otherwise Untitled)
Once perched atop its turret, he laid down fire into those raiders who'd sought its cover, before sinking anti-personnel plasma into the top of the drop-tank's armor for the seconds it took to breach the upper plates.
The Galactic Ferderation of Light 2
"its energy level was a thousand times ours, but it wasn't anti-matter powered. no hard gamma. it's power source was unique. also, i've never heard of shield strength like that. its force-fields seemed sort of unrealistic.
Loew's Creation
Now, this was the opportunity for the jews in prague to live under protection thanks to a mighty servant who would deflect the blows of the anti-semites who lived there.
Astaroth part2 chapter2 -How it all began
This cursed place was contaminated with heavy metals, radiation from naval space photon torpedoes, and worst of all, anti-matter live ordinance. so his family has chosen the least of two evils.
About: Shyness
Should I confess all my love to her ? Should I fight for my rights ? Should I express my sincere opinions ? Should I be less insecure ? Should I not be so offended and scared by criticism ? Should I stop comparing myself to others ? Should I stop...
Chakat Thornbrier & AP&R History
#37 of chakat thornbrier history of thornbrier and ashworth power & research at a young age thornbrier's village was bombed by anti-morph terrorists. few survived.
How I found my true self.
I got a rep in 6th grade all the way to 12th grade of being what i like to call the anti-bully. i was the guy that stood up for the small and the weak,(funny considering i was only like 5ft 6in while i was in high school).
Tribal Wars: An Assault is Planned
They have anti-vehicle weapons by the mms. by the way, i believe they have your gun." reaper took the sniper, and looked through the scope. he scanned the wall, until he saw it. a jet black, 300 round belt fed machine gun.
Inevitability pt 4
The screen reads "class 3b anti-personnel explosive- to arm the device, use the red button. to disarm the device, press the green button.