He said firmly, giving the alakazam a shove. "it's either that or you risk decapitation by phantom force. your choice."
Aggron, Cobalion, Decidueye, Gallade, Greninja, Incineroar, Lucario, Pokemon, Story Progression, Story Series, Team Valiant, Terrakion, Typhlosion, Virizion, blaziken, houndoom
Well that alakazam might have understood as well. heck he managed to see right through me though most of that was because he could peek into my head.
Pikachu, Pokemon, Ratatta, Vulpix, squirtle
Jake: what did you think this was going to be easy, did you think that they would just have to snap their figures then alakazam they'll be here?
tsume: jake you're over exaggerating
jake: no i am not, now shut up!
Kingdom Hearts
"next is an alakazam by the name of seji. according to our intelligence, he serves as a relic hunter under the crusade, collecting mysterious objects for them for an unknown purpose.
Alakazam, Greninja, Inteleon, Lycanroc, Scizor, Staraptor, Story Series, Team Valiant, Weavile
"sorry to cut this short, but i'm needed elsewhere," he growled back at the alakazam, pushing off with his sword, then pushing him away with a telekinetic blast that sent him flying into a nearby tree.
Alakazam, Decidueye, Greninja, Lucario, Lycanroc, Pokemon, Story Series, Swamp, Team Valiant, Zacian, Zamazenta, blaziken, quicksand, zoroark
When Calhoun reappeared on the deck of the _Ravager,_ the equally battered Seji and Asya could see that their leader had fared no better in his attempt to seize the Nexus himself. Calhoun was bruised and sporting several cuts, all of which were already...
Alakazam, Bisharp, Delphox, Gallade, Lucario, Lycanroc, Story Series, Team Valiant, blaziken, invasion, zoroark
He looked over the pool and glanced at the alakazam.
"you know they're not authorized to see this, cut it now." the alakazam didn't hesitate as he let go of his hold on the pond causing the image to fade away.
Adventure, Comedy, Eevee, Kissing, Lucario, M/F, Ninetales, Plot Development, Pokemon, Romance, Story Series, lopunny
I'm sure i told you how much that alakazam hates me."
"yes, yes, numerous times. i really do wish you'd transfer to another school, especially now."
"well now it seems like i may have no other choice but to start over in a new school."
Eevee, Gay, M/M, Plot Development, Pokemon, Romance, Sylveon, Umbreon, audino, glaceon
Not that proper etiquette means anything to you," the alakazam stated, letting a bit of venom leak into his words despite keeping a calm composure.
sakkaku then turned to look over his shoulder to the alakazam and gallade. "...stagnant pond on the left.
Alakazam, Greninja, Lucario, Lycanroc, Story Series, Swamp, Team Valiant, Zacian, Zamazenta, blaziken, peril, quicksand, zoroark