The Job You Were Born For

No mysterious stranger appeared to tell her about her secret ancestry, hidden powers and how she was the chosen one. well, maybe next time she got scammed into cleaning a basement. she sat down on a box to take a break.

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The Interview

chosen one were clearly slim, but so were people's chances of scoring big on the lottery and yet they still bought tickets week in, week out.

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Chapter 13: Impure

#13 of the mating season 5 chapter 13: impure "i was the chosen one for that century," said nontikmah, her blue eyes far away as she related her tale. "dyzere took my paw, and together we traveled for weeks on foot.

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A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 14

It wouldn't do to be the chosen one and be seen bumping into things, after all. behind the door, two presences awaited her, their energy jagged and jittery. they knew that she was coming, and they anticipated her, but it was a mixed sensation.

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Justice of the Sun Part 1

You are, in simple terms, the chosen one." i blankly stared at her, the glowing sword still active in my right paw, "...the fuck? the chosen one for what?"

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Fivefold Fang: the Importance of Prayer

Some mooncalf acolyte with delusions of being the chosen one walking through the gate after a smash-and-grab without even packing to run from the tabernacle?

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Just Breathe - Chapter 5

In all of the stories that i was raised on, stories of holy knights and explorers, there is always the "dark force" that needs to be defeated by "the chosen ones" and it all seems terribly cliche at this point.

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Stirrings of the Beast Within

"the chosen one ruro is not ready" he had said. from what guro had told her dorian had left the other human traveling south towards the dark forest and her own lands beyond.

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The childhood part 2

the chosen one must learn the ancient language! how funny! how.... perfect for my plan! here is some translation: the dark shall rule this land! soon, we will rule all the dimensions! you will never defeat us! try, and you will die!"

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Legendary Chaos - Chapter 1: Prologue

At that moment, one phrase answered her far beyond her own realm, "the chosen one".

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Chapter 4 - Real or Fake

"there is another way, but that is only known to the chosen one." "an illusion, who would've figured," smiled bahamut as he turned away. leo fell back into his unconsciousness and nothing more was said between the two.

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Greener Pastures, Part Two: Dinner Time

I had a theory that it had something to do with my sister, chelsea, but that was because i had seen plenty of movies where siblings both have superpowers or something of that nature, and one of them is the "chosen one."

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