Greener Pastures, Part Two: Dinner Time
#2 of Greener Pastures Series
With the final to last cardboard box lid in my paw, I turned to toss in into the pile of lids I had made by the foot of my dorm bed. Turning back to the bed I looked over the box that had my laptop, charging cable and mouse inside, then decided I could put that up later in the night.
Turning around from my bed I walked slowly into the middle of the dorm, watching Eddie step into a pair of jeans that were faded at the knees. His chest was bare, and as I looked at his well defined abs and slender chest I felt my face getting hot.
I looked him over a minute now, watching him pull up one leg of his jeans. Was I gay? Not really. Would I be gay for Eddie? Probably, yes. His soft amber eyes were hypnotic in a way, and his course fur and sleek coat were nice to look at. As I stared at him some of the muscles in his biceps quivered as he pulled on his pants, grunting to himself. I swallowed then, and as he looked up from putting his other leg into the hole I looked away from him.
"You know I can feel you starring at me, right Nick?" he questioned me.
"Sorry dude," I was walking up to the desk in the room now, faking being interested in it.
"Nah its all good, I know I'm pretty impressive without a shirt on" Eddie smirked behind my back, I was sure he did.
Offering him a light laugh I Turned back around to sit down on the desk with a grunt, and gently swung my feet through the air. Eddie was zipping up his pants now, and I had changed before we started to unpack our stuff from the room. As Eddie fussed with the button on his pants I could just see the slight bulge in his pants, and as the button snapped he cracked a thumb with his pointer finger, smirking at his pants.
Now he looked up at me as I looked at him, and I nodded to him. As he nodded back I said,
"What do you think? meet back out front here in a half hour?"
"Ah..." Eddie put a paw to his stomach, "call it an hour. I'm pretty hungry."
"Yeah sure," I nodded, "you gonna stick around here or are we splitting up?"
"We'll split up," Eddie nodded.
"Alright. I wanted to get a better view of this place anyways," I smirked at him.
As Eddie was reaching to pick up his jacket now I stood up from the desk, picking up my own coat from the back of the chair. I pulled on my coat, adjusting the collar and flattening out the hood. Eddie was pulling his jacket on now, and let himself yawn, his ears flattening some on his head.
Turning back to the desk now I stepped up and onto the desk, taking care not to step on Eddie's laptop which he'd unpacked earlier. I put both feet on the desk then looked out the window, the blinds half open. I could see lamp posts throwing pools of white light onto the sidewalk that lead up the campus, and onto some of the grass that was all around the college grounds.
Reaching out now I pulled up the blinds, then reached up to push up the window. It was unlocked, and I told myself to keep it that way. I wasn't so sure on how late I was allowed to be outside as of yet, but I would figure that out. Behind me I heard Eddie's feet pace on the carpet, and as I had the window open, I lifted up on the bug-screen and found it opened outwards.
"You going to the roof?" Eddie asked me now.
"Yeah," I turned to look at him, "why not?"
"Just be careful all I'm saying," he held up his paws.
I nodded then as I stepped a foot onto the window sill, and put my other foot outside and onto the brick of the dorm building. The claws on the feet dug into the brick, and as I put my other foot out I pulled myself up and out of the window, then put both paws into the brick, hanging on the side the building. The bug screen came to fall shut without to much noise, and as I leaned down, pressing myself into the building, I pulled myself up. Hard.
Rising up from the wall I jumped through the cool, dark air and came to land on the roof, scampering a few feet to make sure I wasn't going to fall back down. I turned around as I stood up, my tail coiling around one of my legs, and made sure nobody had just seen my leap past the second floor of the dorm and land on the roof. There was no one in sight, and I saw very well in the dark. It would be bad if someone stood down below, mouth agape or already pulling out their phone to film me, landing me on the internet.
I stood up now, taking a deep sniff. I could smell the grass down below, and another scent that was very strong. I breathed it in, closing my eyes and letting my mouth come open some, my tongue coming to lick my teeth. My top fangs gleamed with saliva, and I kept my eyes closed as I kept smelling, the aroma comparable to something you would use as a scent when taking a bath. Oh, this was not be ignored.
So now would be a good a time as any to inform you that I, as well as Eddie, am a vampire. If you about to look for me to go into specifics about this, I wish I could. When I was twenty-three, Eddie and I were brought to a building in New York by our respective fathers, and then the change was made by another vampire. His name escapes me, but I remember him tell us that he was very old, and very wise.
Now why you ask might something like this need to happen to us? Well according to my father, my being made into a vampire was for a purpose that neither Eddie or I have been told yet. My father said he would tell me when the time was right, so I can only assume the time hasn't been right for the last five years. I had a theory that it had something to do with my sister, Chelsea, but that was because I had seen plenty of movies where siblings both have superpowers or something of that nature, and one of them is the "Chosen One."
I turned away from the roof of the dorm building now I walk across it, and looked over the other side. I could see the parking lot from my peripheral vision, filled with cars that were empty. Down below was another sidewalk that lead up to the campus, and past the sidewalk was more grass. Past the grass was more parking lot along the side of the campus, and just next to the parking lot was a streetlight where I could see three figures standing.
Taking another breath now I listened to the sounds of bugs in the night, and smelled the cold air that swirled around me. I closed my eyes, smelling the sweet scent that was calling to me. Opening my eyes again I was at the edge of the roof now, and squatted down just some on my haunches.
I leapt from the roof now, coming to glide through the air and land down below in the grass. I landed feet first and stopped myself with my paws, looking, and waiting. I only saw the three figures under the light, they were girls, and couldn't sense anyone else around me. I could tell when people were around, it was like a form in psychic intuition.
Standing up now I walked from the grass and into the parking lot, putting my paws away into my coat pockets. I looked left, seeing the sea of cars and mostly empty parking spots that lead almost all the way up to one of the buildings that made up the campus. I kept walking with a steady pace, and looking right I saw more parking lot, and more cars. A breeze in the air blew past me now, rustling the hem of my coat. I felt as if I was walking to quickly, but knew I was only walking with my normal pace. I was just on the hunt for fresh blood, and it could make me act and think differently than I normally did.
I was getting closer to the girls who stood under the light now I saw all of them smoking, and kept walking. I was almost close enough to hear what they were saying, but I wasn't to interested in it. They all had on letterman jackets, and one of the foxes wore a red and grey skirt, despite how cool it was outside.
As I came close enough to hear what the girls were saying clearly, one of them stepped away, walking across the parking lot.
"Hey dude! You lost?" her voice had a pleasant tone to it.
"Huh?" I looked at her, seeing her cigarette was upheld, "oh, no sorry. I actually wanted to know if I could bum one," I pointed to her cigarette.
"Oh, yeah sure," she smiled at me, going to reach into her bag.
The other fox and rabbit were coming up to where the girl and I stood now, and one of them tapped the fox who I'd asked a cigarette from on her shoulder.
"Hey, we're bailing to head inside. Come find us when you get done talking to this cutie," she glanced at me, a smile on her face.
I smiled back at her, turning to watch the pair walk.
"Here ya go," the fox was holding out a pack of cigarettes to me now.
"Oh, your a lifesaver," I said reaching to take one, "my buddy and I just got here this morning and we lost our smokes on the move in."
"Oh dang, yeah we got here, the other two with me sorry, like last week. It takes some time to get all your stuff set up, believe me."
"yeah, I'll bet," I had a cigarette in my paw now.
Now the fox was reaching back into her bag, and as she brought out a little blue lighter I put the cigarette she'd given me in my mouth. The fox held her lighter out to me, and I reached out a paw to take it.
I reached further than I needed to though, and took her wrist instead. Her face shifted some, and as she said,
"Hey, what the fuck..."
"Shhh," I softened my already easy tone, "relax."
I was looking into her eyes, and as her brown eyes meet my own golden colored irises, the muscle that had tensed in her wrist soften some. She let a gentle look come over her face as she looked at me.
"Sorry about that," I said to her.
"It's ok," her voice was distant now, like she wasn't all the way listening to me.
I stepped up to her now, pushing my cigarette out of my mouth to let to fall to the ground. I put a paw on the foxes side now, and as she let me pull her closer to me her eyes shone with a light that wasn't there before. The power of hypnotism was the first thing I taught myself to hone and make stronger when I became a vampire, and that was paying off now.
I could feel the plastic lighter in between the foxes fingers and my own, and as I moved my face to her chest I kissed her exposed, light brown fur. Her face was closer to mine now, and she put her nose on the side of my face, sighing softly. She smelled like a scent you'd use while taking a bath, and had been who I smelled from the roof.
"Fuck you smell so good," I whispered to her.
She only giggled softly in my ear, and as I snaked my other paw around her waist I pulled her closer. My mouth moved from her chest to her neck, where I could still feet her soft fur. It was almost softer than mine, and I wanted to rub my face along it, feeling every bit of it. I was lusting for blood now, a dangerous state to be in if left unchecked.
I had my face against her neck now, still breathing in her sweet scent. I swallowed then before I opened my mouth, my fangs coming to slid into my mouth and out of their hidden place between my canine teeth. I moaned as I touched her fur on the inside of my mouth, suddenly so hungry, as if I hadn't eaten in weeks.
Holding the fox close to me I pressed my mouth into her neck then, and bit. I felt my fangs pierce her skin beneath her fur, and as I closed my mouth the fox gasped, her paws flexing and gripping onto my tighter than before. She was a sweet girl, but had been easy to seduce. I had faced furs who had a more resilient mind before, but this time easy for me. As I tasted the blood in my mouth I moaned, and took my first swallowed. It came like a wave the sweetest wine, mixed with the taste of other things. Nicotine, alcohol, weed even. I took another mouthful, reminding myself not to drink to fast. As the fox's mouth touched my ear and she moaned again, a tingle went down my spine, making my moan. The darkness of the night surrounded us, and I knew in that moment, we were alone.
I took another mouthful, and then began to listen to her heartbeat. there was no such thing as not enough blood from one victim, unless you were on the brink of blood starvation. I knew when to stop, and had never drank from someone so much that it killed them. I took another mouthful, and then another. The blood was flowing freely now, sealed from spilling by my lips.
With a moan in my ear the foxes knees gave way some, but I moved a paw from her back and kept her supported, not wanting to let her fall. She had a good heart, I could hear its rhythm beating in my ears as if it was my own. I listened to it as it sang its slowing down song, and took another mouthful of blood down. Oh god it was so sweet. The taste of blood was dependent on who it came from, and I had feed on bad blood before. This girl, she was sweet. Kind, caring and like to talk to furs, make them feet good about themselves.
I held her paw as I took another drink, and paused. Her heartbeat was slowing down some, and I needed to stop soon. With a lick of the wounds on her neck I took another drink, swallowing gently, and then pulled my fangs from her neck, still holding her close to me. The fox moaned in my ear, and moved her legs to stand up straighter. She was taller than me, but it wasn't something that mattered, not right now.
Moving my head away from her neck I licked my lips, tasting metal and all the aforementioned things that were in her blood stream. I held her paw in my own, moved my other paw to her face, caressing her cheek.
She sighed as she looked into my eyes, and I said to her,
"Sorry to talk so long out here. Don't let me keep you from your friends."
"Talking?" she looked at me, eyes seeming glazed over, "oh no, your totally fine. It was nice to talk to you."
I smiled at her now, and as I turned to let her face go I put a paw on her back again, letting go of the paw that still held her lighter.
"Go ahead and catch up with your friends," my tone had a suggestiveness to it.
"My friends," the fox was looking towards the dorm buildings now, "yeah, I'll catch up with them."
As she started to walk our paws let go of each other, and I stood there, watching her walk across the parking lot. I heard her shiver before she pulled her letterman jacket around herself, and knew the holes on her neck would be healed and gone by the morning time. Vampire spit could heal wounds twice as fast as the saliva in a regular furs mouth, so I had very little to worry about.
Standing there I closed my eyes, still hearing the beating of the foxes heart in my ears. I took a breath, feeling the cold air swirl past me as a gentle breeze. I moved my paws to tuck them into my coat pockets, and as I opened my eyes again I took a step forward. I licked my lips once more, still able to taste the foxes blood, and said to myself,
"Now let's go and find Eddie."
I left my paws in my coat pockets as I walked from the parking lot and back up to the grass, then back onto the sidewalk. I followed the sidewalk up closer to the campus proper, then closed my eyes, still walking. I thought about Eddie, seeing his face in my mind. I wondered where he was, and kept thinking of his face. I could see it behind my closed eyes, and then his face faded away, and I saw something else. A part of the campus, a running track that wrapped around a smaller football field.
Eyes still shut I stopped in my tracks, picking up one leg to turn left, and started walking up another part of the sidewalk, going to pass the dorms and head to where the football field was. Eddie was there, somewhere, I had seen that clearly.
Opening my eyes now I walked down the sidewalk, seeing a few other furs who were out and about late at night. A pair of wolves, one silver and other a deep brown, sat under a nearby light post, the brown wolf laying in his silver companions lap. I watched them as their lips moved, the pair having a conversation about what classes to take next fall term. I smiled at myself as I kept walking, slightly feeding off of the energy the pair had. There exists a race of psychic vampires who solely feed from the energy around them, and not on blood. Their interesting, to say the least.
As I walked further down the sidewalk and passed the dorms on my left, I could see the football field. Well the bleachers, anyways. There were some lights on, illuminating the field and the brown track that ran around it; It seemed more like a practice field than a playing field. Still walking I sniffled, then let my nose turn my head as I caught I whiff of something stronger. I smelled blood, and as I looked right I watched a dalmatian girl spill a few books on the ground. She swore, then stooped to pick them up. I stopped walking to hook a right, walking the short distance over to her. She looked up at my approach, but as I swooped down and picked up a science book that had bounced further away, she smiled at me. I reached out to hand her the book back, then saw the small cut on the back of her paw, fresh beads of blood standing at attention.
I let myself swallow then, and only said,
"Hang on, might have band-aid. Wow, that's sounds so weird to say to a stranger."
"What?" the girl looked at me, her green eyes shinning, "oh, no way I totally need to carry some with me. I'm like, super accident prone."
I only let myself smile then as I pulled out a small handful of band aids from an inside pocket of my coat. The dalmatian had her books gathered in her arms, and as she took the band-aid from me I asked her,
"Is the book shop open this late?"
"Oh, no actually they close in," she paused to look at her phone in her other paw, "like five minutes. I think they open at like, eight in the morning though."
"Ah, ok cool. Thanks!" I smiled at her, holding up a paw as I turned to walk away.
"Thanks for the..." she paused, holding up the band-aid, "yeah, thanks."
I only waved at her as I kept walking, and the dalmatian started walking, pulling the green coat she wore closer around her. I could smell the blood on her paw, and I squeezed my eyes shut, despite the fact that I could have feed twice more before the night was over with, and still have been hungry. _Always hungry _my mind told me.
Scoffing then I put myself back on the path to walk over to the football practice field. I looked to the right some and saw a pool house, the frosty glass windows on one side probably for the changing rooms. Looking back at the football field, I was easily distracted if you haven't figured this out, I drummed my paws in my coat pockets, humming the tune to a country song underneath my breath. Eddie rubbing off on me again, no doubt.
As I came closer to the fields, I didn't have to look hard to find Eddie. I saw better than most furs in the dark, except maybe for wolves or bats. I looked, seeing under the back of one set of bleachers. In the darkness that then gave way to the light in front of the bleachers, I saw Eddie. He was pressed deep inside of them, almost hunched over enough to fit under the lowest bench. In front of him, with paws wrapped around his back and her head tilted to the side, was a bat. It was the same bat from earlier, the brown one with the curly head of hair. As I slowed down, coming up to the gate that wrapped around the practice field and pool house, I could almost hear Eddie drinking. It was a faint, low and slow sound. Much slower than I had gone, and I wondered if he'd been out here all this time, drinking from the same girl.
I walked through the fence then, and as if I had said his name, the sucking sound stopped, and Eddie raised his head. I saw his eyes shine in the dark, reflecting from the lights that were behind me. I let out a gentle whistle then, and only stayed by the fence. Eddie was a... more aggressive feeder than I was. I was aware of my surroundings when I feed, but I had seen Eddie get lost in a feed before, only concerned with sating himself. That wasn't a bad thing, because Eddie blended into the night way better than I did.
I saw Eddie's face turn away, and as he stood upright I saw him moving with the brown bat in the dark. I heard him whispering to her, telling her It was ok if she wanted to head on her way, that he hadn't meant to keep her out so late. I saw the bats own reflecting eyes blinking some, and as Eddie let her go she began to walk my way, I steady and easy pace about her.
Eddie didn't tarry long as the bat was coming to cross the grass. I watched Eddie walk after her, coming to where I only stood and watched. Eddie and I were supposed to watch out for each other, according to our fathers. That went for everything, normal and vampire included.
The bat girl was coming to walk past me now, I dreamy look on her face as the light hit her features. She was my height, and I watched her walk from the chain-link fence and towards the dorm buildings. Still watching the bat I heard Eddie whistling, the same note I had whistled to him so he would know who was watching him.
Turning my head now I looked at him, and the wolf nodded to me. I nodded back to him, and as he came up to me I asked,
"Been out here this whole time?"
"Yeah," he nodded, his face looking distant, "I actually had a legit conversation with her. She took me out here, said she liked the lights on the grass. She was right about that, its got a certain charm to it."
"If you say so," I said, "a dalmatian girl with nice green eyes I gave a band-aid to says the book shop opens at eight A.M."
"What about at night?"
"Closed right now," I reached to my pocket to pull out my phone, "and it's 9:30, so we'll have to hit it tomorrow night."
"Unless the weathers good tomorrow," Eddie suggested, "it feels kinda weird to be roaming around the campus at night anyways."
We began to walk then, heading from the fence and back to where the dorms were. I let myself yawn then, my paws still in my coat pockets. I felt much better than I had earlier in the day, now that I had proper feasted.
Eddie and I didn't talk much as we walked, and before long we were coming back up to the dorm building, where nearby two foxes stood at the parking lot, smoking and laughing at a joke that had been told by one of them. Eddie reached the door first, held it open for me, and I bowed my way inside. Eddie rolled his eyes at me as I followed me back inside, and we went down the hallway, passing the laundry room on the right. On the left across from the laundry was a set of showers, as well as the bathroom.
I licked my lips as Eddie and I rounded the corner, and went down the hall to our shared room. I was pulling off my coat as I reached the door first, and this time held it open for Eddie. He goofily curtsied his way into the room and I snickered at him, pulling my coat all the way off. The night was still young, and Eddie and I would be up for a while. As I looked over the few boxes we had left, and the bags that most of our clothes in them, I figured the only thing left to do was finish unpacking.
"You know man," I said as I tosed my coat at my bed.
"Sup?" Eddie turned from his waredrobe to look at me.
"I think I'm gonna like going here a whole lot," my face took on a grin, my fangs shinning in the light.