Indigo Nights- Chapter 4: Oblivion

The red panda makes it to a clearing of dry grass as the stars shine brightly above him. he takes some time to track the constellations before approaching the cozy cabin in the near distance.

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A Good Influence

Another contented growl was all the red panda received in response.

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Trying Something New (clean, romanticized)

Not many red pandas in this club. what's your poison?" sparky chuckled a bit to himself. "no 'poison'. just coke, if you please." "coke and anything?" "nope.

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The Same Heartbeats Chapter 1

Tara turned around and blankly said "bye" and hop into the car, there was his daddy driving; a red panda with more reddish-brown fur and wearing a suit.

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Flight Academy: Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Possibilities are normal Its early morning, about six o' clock, and the sun is barely giving signs of its existence. An alarm goes off over the intercom that throws everyone out of their lucid dreams and/or nightmares. Staal is the first to...

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Flight Academy: Chapter 5

Chapter 5: I can explain! Corelec busts the door open to the dorm and everyone else follows. He sits and flips on the television to find that the cable has been cut. Corelec sighs and leans back on the couch. The rest refrain from sitting to avoid...

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Chapter 6- All the Love in the World

She wasn't really dreading this anymore; she had the red panda to talk to. her tears dried up just in time for their dinner. \*\*\* leave it to europe to make acara feel better.

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Indigo Nights- Chapter 3: The Shadow

Acting instantly, kyran teleports him away from its path, reappearing with the red panda beside the jet as the thud of metal colliding with ice echoes through the glacial valley.

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Kevin (Prologue) part 2

Daniel was looking at the most adorable thing he has ever seen in his life: the head of a baby red panda, just peeking out of the collar of a t-shirt and jacket happily snoozing away.

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Thirteen Tales From Another World: Sixth Tale

And the mountain lion had called him a red panda? cris looked down over his body. he didn't just have a tail. he was covered in red and black fur, had a muzzle, a striped tail and... he felt up around his head. he even had animal ears.

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The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 15 Burning Bridges

The red panda replied, concern flashing across his features. "no, leo it can't. it's in relation to the mission."

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Welcome to Evolution. Prologue, Part I and II

He stared at it, watching as it began to lift off the bed on its own and float over to the waiting red panda. he reached out and swung it over his back. of all the people that could have evolved, what did it have to be me?

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