Rivalries and Romances

By the time he lifted his hand, the figurine was stored in the pocket dimension, and he never touched it.....as a precaution he took off the glove and put it in his bag, but there was no glint of gold or shiny of jewels.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 16: Black-Winged Angels

It stood up and still was fortified, but without the spatial pocket dimension, nia baleth was exposed to skirmishes. this caused the city to sustain damage from fights, and many argoons, mostly feather-winged, were stationed near the giant walls.

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Dracon's Origin Story V2

Some distance from the rest of the clan, but in a pocket dimension. little did the father know at the time his son was absorbing minor amounts of pure magic from his surroundings.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 20: When The Very Thing You Are Looking For Is The One Thing You Can’t Find

#20 of counter earth - chaundoon chronicles: two futures last chapter: in the pocket dimension outside of time and space- arthur received a brief history lesson from sata and sorrell about the rise and fall of their civilization which was caused by an appearance

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Primrose Valley: What's Xmas

Calex did sleep, but he returned back to his pocket dimension where time didn't pass to rest. as a result, from everyone else's point of view he was awake twenty-four hours a day. "and he only drops off presents when you're asleep." "that's...

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No Frills: Grukkal

dimensions **weaknesses:** finds flight difficult compared to the other dragons cultural notes dragons in grukkal's culture have a legal system and are very hierarchical.

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Brave New Realm: The Trials

He could still feel qistling, but his familiar was in a pocket dimension somewhere else. waiting for him to call him back to this plane. "lookout!" grig's voice rang from below. followed quickly by the sound of fighting.

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Trailblazer Part 11

You see, another mystic and his kin were working on the wheel of fortune, the original purpose of the device was to ultimately link the alliance together as avalon was moved to a pocket dimension we had created to ensure it's safety from possible invasion.

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Queen to Be Thicc_ Second Draft

While camping that night korovia reveals her pocket dimension of food, and provides everyone with much welcomed hot meals.

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Primrose Valley: Who Needs Babysitters

Deven bet he was older than him once you accounted for pocket dimensions and weird timeline stuff. "this deven?" the raichu asked as he bent down on a knee to get eye level with the noitbat.

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Federal Bureau of Mystical Creatures

"it's more of a pocket dimension set aside for our use as a shopping district," he points out what look like several other elevator cars moving up and down in the distance.

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