Michael and Amanda, Chapter 6
She paused for a moment in thought before continuing, "likely as not, his amnesia is compounded by the fact that the human species is going extinct, thanks to a group of mentally disturbed humans who, 20,000 years ago, decided to create a genetically altered
Aeon Chronos
Aione was one of many genetically altered mutant hybrids, him being wolf, husky and bengal tiger.
Project X | Chapter XIII: Betrayal
"true, he is a project and has been genetically altered to essentially be perfect, but, as far as we could see it, he has his imperfections yet these imperfections are what make him him. trying to fix the imperfections that ex has is like trying to..."
The Cost of Life pt. 1 - Loyalty
We are the best pilots in the federation, we should be able to match the skill of these genetically altered ones. the intel we have right now is very fuzzy on what they have as far as a base on the moons, but our task is to raze everything.
The soft-science-fiction version of Ripmaw
"this is why we want you to think carefully about your genetic alteration. sure, you can always use a dna cloak, but we mostly prefer to use them to appear human." he then pressed a button on his watch. "like so."
Monsters of Plantet
Their nutritional value is much higher than normal, due to thousands of years of unnatural genetic alteration through ecf-1.