Chapter 30: A Day at the Beach

#30 of the spyro chronicles se chapter 30: a day at the beach dragon realms, uncharted system may 15, 2204 0823 hours outskirts of warfang the sun broke through the dark grey clouds that had occupied the sky above warfang for just a bit.

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Chapter 25: The Beginning of the End

They would most south to warfang... but the trek was long and dangerous. that, and the fact that warfang wasn't in any better condition. the young blue dragoness sat down and looked at her mate. the red dragon sat beside her. his name was skyline.

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Stars of Time - Cynder's Condition

I want to get out of here so i can return to warfang!" "cynder?" jocasta asked. "sorry to tell you pal, but you are already in warfang." adamaius said to him, "it might look a lot different, but it is warfang."

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 10

Before he knew it the walls of warfang grew before his eyes, rising above the hills and trees like spears of a marching army.

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TLoS: After the war

But the three dragons didn't care about that as they were moving away from the clouds, as they were about to leave warfang.

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Chapter 27: The Dragon City of Dale

Also the dragons and moles from warfang would like to help!" "i can accept the help from warfang, our trusted neighbor, but the humans i will not tolerate. now, if you will excuse me..."

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Chapter 26: The Road South

At least for now, his worry was how to reach warfang in one piece. only yesterday he had lost at least 7 marines out of his 50 or so. at that rate, they'd never make it to warfang in one piece.

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The Day I Meet A Hero Chapter Nine

"i am going to fly to warfang, i want to see my father." i said loud enough to wake everything up within a thirty foot radius. i moved on knowing that he would take me in... as a son. three hours later; spyro and the others were still a sleep.

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the new guardains chapter two

At warfang all four guardians, terrador, cyril, volteer, and the temporary fire guardian ferna were at the wall watching for any sign of the dark army after the explosion at mt. malefor.

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