The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 3

Story by dragonshina on SoFurry

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#3 of Spyro Origins

I have finished the third part, and i would like to thanks everyone who have fav, voted and comment.

I do not own Spyro nor the characters of The Legend of Spyro trilogy; BUt i do own any new character i put in and the plot. Any resemblance (either in nameor personalty) of any character I created is purely coincidential.

If you are under 18; pleace leave.

Here is the third chapter. Enjoy.


The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 3

They spent the remainder of the day in the cheetah village. Not that they really had that much of a choice, since Spyro was wounded and needed attention. Still, it felt good to rest without having to worry of some grubling sneaking during the night to stab you while you sleep. Well, at least Spyro felt comfortable.

Cynder, on the other hand, felt a little taste of what was to be expected when she arrived back at Warfang. She had been called her old name, The Black Serpent. The people here have treated well so far, without the fact that there is always someone following her steps very closely; but still they became outraged and distrusted of her. If she was accepted like this when she defended this village at plain sight, how would the others, the ones that do not know her nor heard of her actions, accept her?

It was a depressing thought which made Cynder feel lonelier than ever.

Spyro, on the other hand, was made to tell his story to Chief Warluz and his tribe. They were so eager to know of Spyro's life. So he told them that he was raised by dragonflies, the meeting with Ignitus, the battle to free the guardians, Cynder's battle, the Well of Souls and finally the battle against Malefor.

"It seems that you had quite an adventure, young Spyro" Chief Warluz said "I guess that we didn't really knew exactly what you have done for this world, until now".

"Well... it has always been difficult, but I manage" he responded a little bit uncomfortable at the attention he was receiving. Just then, he remembered the temple that they had come across earlier. "Warluz, do you know anything about some strange structure north of here?"

"Hmm... I have never been there myself, but I have heard rumors. I don't know how old the temple is, but it's said that it was built long ago by dragons, before Malefor's arose to power. It is also said that it is a source of magic and wisdom, but I have never heard of anyone getting that such a thing from it. I would guess that you found such temple, isn't it?"

"Just two days past" For some reason, Spyro didn't want to tell them about the mysterious Crystal "Cynder and I just found it odd that it was abandoned" And at the mention of Cynder, he began looking around "Where is Cynder?"

"I do not know. Don't worry; my people are keeping a watch on her"

"Oh... excuse me" Spyro said while he stood up and, limping from his leg wound, went after Cynder. He didn't have to search for long. She was atop the wall sitting of her haunches, looking at the sky. From what Spyro could decipher, she was just looking at the stars now that night had fallen.

He started to get close when he suddenly stopped by to see how beautiful she looked. The cloud that had covered the sky at noon had disappeared and allowed the stars and moon to shine. How beautiful she looked under the moonlight, the light was reflected somewhat by her dark scales; as if the moonlight seemed to make her more graceful that she was. Her pose made sure that every bit of her body caught the moonlight. How beautiful she looked under the moon.

"Hello Cynder. How are you? No that doesn't sound right" he thought of something to tell her when he approached her. "Hi Cynder. What are you doing here by yourself? No, I don't think she will like me being worried by her. She is a fighter. Grrr" He struggled with himself as to what to say "Beautiful night to be outside. Yeah, that sounds good."

He came closer to her and sat on his haunches by her side. He felt awkward; the words that he had prepared didn't come out of his mouth. "SAY SOMETHING" He yelled in his mind in his mind. But still, he couldn't produce a sound.

Just then, he noticed a tear fall from Cynder eye. Spyro watched as it crossed her beautiful face, went to her chin. The drop hanged there for a moment before it fell toward the ground. "She is crying" he realized.

An unexpected impulse to comfort her suddenly came to him. It pained him to see her cry. "Cynder..."

She looked toward the voice, unaware that he had been sitting next to her for a while. She had been crying for a while, and tears running freely from her eyes. She didn't say anything when for a while as he stood beside her. "Cynder, what's wrong?"He asked again.

"Oh, Spyro. It's..." she stumbled upon her word "I'm worried"


"How... how can I cope with my past? I have done evil things that I am ashamed of. While I have tried to redeem myself, the others still think of me as being evil"

"The village saw your actions defending the tribe... they thanked you and they allowed us to be cared for"

"But still they don't trust me. That's why I always have a cheetah following me at all times; to keep a watch on me. How can I face the rest of the world knowing what I have done to them? How can I make the world see that I am not evil anymore?"

"You know it wasn't your fault. Malefor was controlling you."

"But they won't care. They would reject me for just being corrupted if they don't kill me first for what I have done.

Spyro felt a sudden protectiveness aura around Cynder. "If someone even dares to put a finger upon you, they will have to reckon with me" he stated with a firm determination. Cynder looked back at him, surprise written on her face at the aggressive and firm statement of Spyro.

"Thanks, but I still be rejected"

"Well... I guess that we can't do anything about that; but at least I will be there to help if you need me"

"Thank you Spyro" she said while she moved her head under his chin and placed it there; her forehead just under his jaw "It means a lot to me to hear you say that". Spyro's heart jumped from its place at the contact. Oh, how he enjoyed it, the felling of Cynder just right beside him. Then she started to move her head up and down, rubbing her head again his neck, which caused Spyro to thump his tail behind him with every motion she made.

He felt light hearted, without a worry in a perfect world. Cynder too enjoyed the moment he had with Spyro, feeling that he was the only one that understood her and all her worries. Feeling he had to do something, Spyro extended his wing to drape Cynder with it, protecting her from the chill.

Too soon, Cynder's sleep won the battle and caused for her head to end in Spyros shoulder. Spyro stayed awake for a while, not thinking about anything; just enjoying this moment.

He was so content with this moment, that he would not trade his place with Cynder now for the return of his powers.

"You just fly straight in that direction and you will see the river" Chief Warluz said while pointing in one direction "After you find it, follow it and you will come across Chief Prowlus' village"

Spyro looked at the distance hoping to see this river. Chief Warluz had been kind enough to lead them personally through the tunnel that would lead them to Avalar Valley, the morning after they arrived to their village.

"We thank you for your hospitality, Chief Warluz. I hope that we can receive such welcome when we reach the other village"

"Hmph. I know Prowlus, he is a little bit thickhead and accept changes grudgingly; but he only does what he think is best for his people. Well then Spyro, I wish you a safe trip" And with that, both dragons lifted their wings and beat them down hard several times to gain altitude.

"Hey, I see the volcano!" Cynder yelled excited when they were high enough. Spyro looked to see that she was right; there was the volcano where they fought against Malefor. Now he knew where he was and where to go; and soon they would arrive at Warfang.

They continued to fly towards the direction Warluz had indicated, and after a couple of hours of travel they found the river that would lead them home. For some strange reason, both of them were overjoyed at the prospect of retuning that they began to race how would get there first.

"I will beat you"

"No, you will not"

They flew so fast that when noon arrived, they were at the village where Prowlus had held them prisoner not so long ago. "I win" Spyro shouted to Cynder when he was the first to sight the village.

"Look" she announced.

Spyro looked to see the village while they still flew. They saw activity in it, cheetahs were moving from one place to another doing who knows what. When they landed, they met an old acquaintance.

"Meadow" Spyro shouted when he saw the cheetah moving. Both dragons had helped him return to the village when he was captured and had a broken ankle. In exchange, Chief Prowlus had set Hunter free to lead them toward Warfang.

"I can't believe it; it's Spyro!" he said while he walked toward them when they landed with the help of a stick.

"It's good to see you still alive and well. That ankle still needs to be healed, I see. But what are you doing with all this activity" Spyro said while he watched all of the cheetahs moving, many of them repairing the village.

"After we received Hunter's Falcon that warned of the immediate danger we had to move. We grabbed what provision we could and made fast way toward here and took refuge inside here when the cataclysm happened. After that, we to return to our village to continue our lives; but it was severely damaged by grublings when we left. We have been repairing it ever since".

"It's good to hear everyone is safe and well"

"So tell me, how are you to be here? I heard what had happened and began to worry when you didn't show up. We feared the worst" And so both dragons told their story; again.

"It's been a long journey. Is Hunter here? Or Prowlus?" Spyro inquired.

"I'm afraid not. Both of them are still in Warfang helping in what they can"

"We better get there as soon as we can. We have to tell everyone we are all right. Can we use the passage that leads to Warfang?"

"Yes. Some other villages of the valley took refuge there as well. My guess is that they are still there and would allow you passage"

They flew toward the tunnel that they and hunter had used to reach Warfang. Instead of surrounding the mountain range, this tunnel took them straight towards the city. It was a short flight toward their destination and the made their way through the tunnels, passing several cheetah villagers who watched them in awe. And some of them, wariness showed through their eyes.

Very fast though, they reached Warfang. They city had been spared by the cataclysm; or at least, the majority. Several towers that once stood high and proud lay broken on the ground, houses were also smashed into a pile of rubble which was being removed by moles.

They were walking through the streets of the city, watching the destruction by the siege and the cataclysm. The moles were so into their jobs that they did not paid them any attention whatsoever. But they needed to find the guardians.

"Excuse me" Spyro interrupted a mole "we are looking for the dragon guardians. Can you tell us where they are?" The mole didn't even looked at them and said "Last I knew they were at the walls".

Both dragons headed to the ramparts, where they had fought to defend the city during the not so long ago. They walked instead of flying. They have flow a long way and their wings ached.

They climbed the stairs that lead to the walls and came up where the catapult was placed. The golden tube that ended in a dragon head that launched balls surrounded by flame, still stood on top of the gate, ready to defend the city. Spyro was amazed when he saw it fire for the first time during the siege. A loud blast launched the ball on fire. It also went a long was; much longer that an arrow could. The Dragon Organ, it was called.

"Spyro, look" Cynder urged Spyro.

Spyro turned to look where Cynder pointed. Terrador, the Earth Guardian, stood upon the wall, inspecting a group of troops that stood at attention. His dull green scales stood out against the red and brown armor of the moles. Some cheetahs were there also, standing at attention.

"Terrador!" both dragons yelled at the same time. The old dragon looked to search the ones that had called them and his eyes popped out of their sockets when he saw them approaching him.

"By the ancestors... you are alive!" Terrador said with his heavy voice. Spyro and Cynder came closer to the guardian that could not move from the shock at seeing them. It took him a few minutes to recover, and when he did, he spoke "It is very good to see you alive and well"

"It's good to be here. After the battle with Malefor we kinda got lost. It took us some time to find our way bay"

"So I see. Where is Ignitus?" The guardian said as he looked behind the young dragons, looking for the fire guardian. Spyro's face fell like a stone. From happiness at finally arriving at being depress almost instantly. Terrador didn't even have to ask what had happened; by just looking at Spyro's face, he knew. "I'm sorry Spyro"

Spyro again felt heavy the weight that Ignitus had died to give him and Cynder a chance to defeat Malefor. After a few moments of silence, Terrador spoke again.

"We feared that you two had died, but I am glad to be proved wrong."What exactly happened in the volcano? We felt the earth breaking and when it was mended".

"It's a long..." began Spyro only to be interrupted.

"SPYRO!" came a voice. Spyro turned to look at who had spoken, and saw a golden light flew straight at him and attach itself to his right horn.

"SPARX!" Spyro shouted in joy. The golden dragonfly, and Spyro's foster brother was hugging the horn.

"What took you so long, purple boy? When you didn't return, I feared that I would have to spend the rest of my live without someone to pester"

"It's good to see you, Sparx; and I'm alive and well. We both are" he said and indicated Cynder "She helped me a lot"

"I see she survived to. Oh my, that's a shame. I had hoped that she had perished during the final battle".

Cynder grunted and gave a menacing look at the dragonfly. "Well, at least I needed to keep my promise and keep Spyro here safe, Sparx" she spoke of the promise she had made to Sparx to made sure that she would looked after Spyro when they separated. Sparx had resorted to the only thing he could do to assure Spyro would be safe.

"Oh yeah; about that. Well, you did a fine job. Not that Spyro really needed it, since he is the purple dragon of legend and all that." he said with sacracsm.

"Just put it down Sparx!" Spyro told his brother. He really disliked the natural animosity Sparx showed Cynder.

"What? I just said the truth".

"Well, is it Spyro and Cynder" came a new voice.

"Cyril" both dragon exclaimed. The blue ice dragon came fluffing in the air to descend in the wall that they were now in. He landed with a hard impact and proceeded to where the three dragons where. "I am beginning to wonder if you and I do not have the same ancestors, Spyro. After all, the great dragons of yore, my ancestors, were capable of doing great things. And certainly you have done a great thing that none of us thought possible".

"You are incorrect when you say that it was not possible Cyril" a new person said in a very fast voice, and electric yellow dragon that came up from the stairs.

"Volteer!" Cynder and Spyro yelled.

"It is stupendous, spectacular, incredible! That both of you two young dragons managed to defeat thethethe most evil force it this world when all of the dragons fighting together could not is miraculous! This is a feat that one would think that is impossible for two young being to accomplish but judging of Spyro's and Cynder's abilities I would say that the chances were really slim and further yet the probability that not only you managed to defeat the Darkmaster but also come out alive and well would be cero.......... Amazing!"

"What did he just said?" Sparx asked out loud in a confused voice.

"It amazing what Cynder and I accomplished" Spyro answered him

"Why didn't he just say so? So many word for such a simple little thing"

"Defeating the Drakmaster was NOT simple Sparx!" Terrador intervened "Well Spyro, I see that you have become quite a warrior; more than I expected".

"Yesyesyes such a young being and already he has become a defender of the realms and of all that inhabits the lands. You seem be becoming quite a guardian yourself!" Volteer said with that fast tongue of his. "Speaking of guardians, everyone thought that Ignitus would return to the city after he had safely delivered you across the Ring of Fire to comfort the Darkmaster but he has not returned and he is not with you by what I can see. Do you know what have befallen him to cause not to be present with us?"

"He... he didn't make it" Spyro said, again feeling the knot forming in his throat.

"Do not feel bad about this Spyro, the time will come for everyone when they must leave this world" Terrador tried to comfort Spyro. "Ignitus would have been proud of what you two have done".

"Yes, young dragon, Ignitus held you in a very high esteem" Cyril said "He would not have approved of you to be so depress about it"

"Of course Ignitus would have wanted for Spyro to continue ahead if he should have fallen under any circumstances "Volteer tried to give in his point, although the fact that Ignitus had died did something to cool his tongue. "You could at least do what he would have wanted you to do".

"Keep that what you hold dear of him deep inside your heart, Spyro" Cynder said.

"Thank guys"

"Stories and explanation con wait until tomorrow. Take some rest, both of you" Terrador indicated Cynder and Spyro. "You will need it"

"Why?" Cynder asked "I mean, yes, we are tired, but why should why rest in such urgency?"

"The army Malefor assembled have not yet disbanded" he said and pointed towards the great plain that extended just outside the city walls. The dark army could be seen making camp and sometimes movement could be seen.

"You need to rest because we still need to clean up this mess. The dark army made an assault just two days past, but we repelled them. Still they will come again. This battle is not over yet" Terrador informed.

"I... uh" Spyro began, unsure how to break this to his companions.

"What purple boy? Did the cat eat your tongue? "Sparx said.

"I... I don't know if I can fight"

"Why do you say that, Spyro?" Terrador asked, looking at him in a strange way.

"Because I lost my powers" he finished, waiting for the reaction of the others.



Things are getting a little bit more interesting (in two ways i mean).

I decided to make this chapter a reunion to make sure everyone was ok. I tried my best to be true to Sparx's sacracstic ways and Volteer's quick tounge. I hope i did well and i hope you enyoued this chapter.

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