The Origins of Crola, the Snake Sorcerer (Naga Snake TF)

What got crola's attention in the room, however, is a single tome on a pedestal in the middle of the room, lit by the sun coming through a ceiling window. crola approached the tome to get a greater detail. the tome is larger than an average book.

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Castle Maze 2

Uno y este llevaba a otra división pero tan siquiera tenía letreros, un lado iba a la base de la torre del reloj y el otro llevaba a un vivero, me regrese y tome el otro camino y este llevaba a la capilla.

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Castle Maze 1

Seguí caminando y explorando las cuevas y me percate que las antorchas y lamparas que había en el lugar estaban prendidas, una vez, como si alguien hubiera preparado todo, llegue a un punto donde el camino se dividía, obviamente tome el camino que iba hacia

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A Stranger in Suburbia (An Interactive Story) - Prologue (4)

In one drawer, you find a **small leather-bound tome** attached to a thick silver-and-copper chain. in the other, you find a **thin gnarled wooden stick** and an **onyx feather quill** , both seven inches long.

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The Cult of the Moth

And there, replacing the tome in the center, stood a figure; one which not only surprised the members before it, but equally... confused them?

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Dra-Kun... The Power Within

After a moment he looked within, looking down at a tome. unlike other ancient tomes this one was made of dragon scale. he looked to the words on it, written in blood that still remained ever fresh.

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shadow 10

She looked around seeing a large tome resting on a pedestal. "nathan i bet there's a spell in that tome that will weaken him." she said pointing to where it rested. "what do you want me to do about it?"

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Sprite Master: Chapter 2

His mom helped him get a leather strap on him so his new tome could stay on the left side of his waist. "that tome helped me with casting magic and i hope it helps you learn and grow. its a little magical item to help you store magic to cast spells.

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The Story of the Khajiit: A Compendium

Now, i don't know what the readership of this tome will be, but i should hope enough will come to pass. i hope people can get over any lingering ill-will towards my kind and read this book.

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CH33 Nuru’s Shopping Day Part 2 atlas of the hyena lands, _he read as he pulled a leather-bound tome from the shelves.

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 19 - Interlude 2

tomes of both fictitious and non-fictitious nature adorned the smalle shelf, but she was only interested in two.

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