MLP: Pyrotechnic Misdemeanour

"now get the duct-tape." snails nodded and dipped his head into the back of their cart to retrieve a roll of silver tape. snips in the meantime covertly collected a pair of very large rockets.

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Same Business, New Location: Introduciton

Opening my duffle bag, i pulled out some duct tape and a cigarette lighter. i duct taped the opening on the container so that the fumes wouldn't catch fire while i was too close.


Jeremy 101; Making Arrangements

Hector reached out and nestled the top of his paw up against his sack and pulled the tape down his inseam. jeremy felt his stomach and sheath muscle tighten in response.


An Unsettling Assignment

He said as he made a circle on the floor out of green tape, differentiating the area from the x at his starting point. "i'm trying to leave some tracks... tape arrows on the floor and orange xs beside doorways i've passed through.

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Neko Journals - The package, part 1

He then carefully stuck the tip of the blade between the lids, cutting through the tape. he ran it down one side, pulled out, rotated the knife in his hand, and stuck it in again, cutting through the rest of the tape. he then opened the box.

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Cleaning Up

In the back wall to the left of the oak, a single door with one strip of red and white tape across it waited. kilik ripped the tape off and let it fall to the ground.

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The hack: Chapter 11 (Trent)

Aron got ready for bed and i took out my tape drive which is a magnetic tape that stores data.

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The hack: Chapter 10 (Trent)

Aron got ready for bed and i took out my tape drive which is a magnetic tape that stores data.

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The Dog Hole: Chapter 1 -- Everyone's Got To Eat

At first, she had assumed the piece of tape was there to keep a tear in check. the map did seem rather old. now that she was closer, she could see letters written on top of the manila strip that read 'dog hole'.

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Slice of Life (Otherwise Untitled)

He slowly clicked off the tape deck, for improved eavesdropping.

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Chapter VII: Earthbound

He waited a few seconds and then the tape started showing a home environment.

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Minato's Reality

The rogue placed minato down, tied him to a tall rock in the cave, and taped his mouth with duct tape, so he could not speak or breathe through his mouth.

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