Jeremy 101; Making Arrangements

Story by Kyrugii on SoFurry

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Jeremy makes arrangements for a dinner date and Dominic gets propositioned.

Jeremy was leaning against the railing as he listened to Jackson Buttons. They'd finished their biweekly dinner and were now relaxing on his deck. Reaching a pause in the conversation Jeremy took the opportunity to look out at the view again. It never got old.

The view from Jeremy's apartment was nice and yet there was something about staring out at the city from a condo that sat at the very top of the building that made it special. Jackson's phone pinged causing the male to pull it out and text someone back. With Jackson distracted Jeremy had even more time to gather his thoughts.

Everything was going well for him. His work at the Bureau while pushing his limits was turning out to be within his abilities. Gakota was an excellent teacher. The ocelot was indeed preparing Jeremy to head the Bureau in the near future. Jeremy himself rarely went on calls anymore. The Thirteenth floor was just as challenging. His recent session after Felicity Corsenth gave him a new understanding of his sexual stamina. He was fully into his dominant time of need.

His alternate persona of Dominic would have a false set of identification papers in a few days. Jeremy really didn't intend to be any more active as Dominic. He was simply following through for the impression it would give Faraday and his second in command. He was considering getting several sets of papers for a few of his other alternate bodies.

The thought of being able to go about as a normal person every once in a while was becoming appealing to him. At almost seven foot tall there was absolutely no doubt he was a dominant. It was becoming obvious that every time he went out he drew the attention of everyone in the area. It was becoming rare that anyone would interact with him without the obvious signs of being intimidated by Jeremy's size and status.

Slipping his phone back in a pocket Jackson turned to Jeremy. "By the way, I have a formal dinner scheduled next month. You should get the invite in a day or so."

"Formal dinner? You mean something like having to choose from twenty different forks to use first?"

The fox chuckled. "No, not that bad. You will need to wear a suit though." Jackson said looking back at Jeremy. "You do have one, yes?"

"No. I've been outgrowing my clothes for so long I don't take the trouble of buying anything really nice."

"Its perhaps time to start." Jackson said. His tone left no doubt it was almost at the level of an order. He pulled his phone back out and spent a few moments flicking through a number of contacts. "I'm going to send you to the same tailor I go to. Get several suits. They may seem expensive but quality suits like his lasts far longer than the cheap stuff."

Jeremy heard his own phone ping at the incoming message. As Jackson put his phone away he looked up at Jeremy. He'd been taller than the fox for months and still felt self-conscious about his height. To make matters worse he'd chosen an older shirt that was just a bit tight around his chest. The shirt made it clear Jeremy also outweighed the fox by a good thirty pounds or more.

With a grin the fox commented "You're probably about done growing anyway. There's not many dominants that are larger than you are now."

The fox let Jeremy change the subject.

The next morning after his training session with Alex, Jeremy called Jackson's tailor. After introducing himself it was clear Jackson had already made contact as Jeremy was given the opportunity to make an appointment for that morning. He would have just enough time to clean up then head over to the address given.

Arriving at the tailor's only confirmed his impression. The sign on the door said 'Open For Appointments Only'. At his knock a chocolate furred rabbit came out from the back giving Jeremy a look through the glass door.

"You must be Jeremy Dawn." The rabbit said as he opened the door. "My, you are as large as Mister Buttons said." He added as he stepped back to let Jeremy inside. Jeremy entered and watched as the rabbit closed and locked the door.

Once the male was facing him again Jeremy held out his paw "Jeremy Dawn, pleased to meet you, sir."

The male smiled wider reaching up and placed his paw in Jeremy's "Hector Sanders, at your service, and a pleasure to meet you Mister Dawn."

Jeremy dropped his arm to his side the same time as the rabbit. "I'm guessing Jackson explained to you what I need. To be honest, this is the first time I've been to a tailor's."

"Yes, Mister Buttons did explain what you need. So, was it going to be a single suit for the expected party, or will you also be obtaining more than one?"

"I think since I'm almost done growing I should get more than one, for now."

"A wise decision." The rabbit said, pleased with Jeremy's choice. "To start mister Buttons had already suggested the fabric and color of your suit for his party. First, let's get your measurements, then we can move on to choosing the fabrics for your other suits."

"Fine." Jeremy said, unsure how else to respond.

"This way, then." Hector said as he motioned toward the back of the store. The rabbit patted him on the middle of his back lightly as he passed. It was as high as the rabbit could comfortably reach.

Jeremy forced a smile, not used to a stranger being so forward as to touch him. The tailor led him to the back of the shop where a set of three mirrors stood. He encouraged Jeremy to stand at a point he could see his reflection in each mirror. The rabbit stepped in front of him again and looked up appraising him a moment. The male was approximately half Jeremy's height and yet not only showed no fear but a bit of pleasure at having a patron his size.

Jeremy watched the rabbit turn and pull a short set of stairs over and climb to the top platform. Motioning for him to step close Hector pulled out a measuring tape and unraveled it. Standing next to the platform he held his arms out and turned as instructed. As the measurements continued Jeremy smiled often at the muttered comments of the rabbit. The male was clearly impressed at his size. He even had to assist in wrapping the tape around his chest and neck for the rabbit's measurements. Finished with his upper body Hector stepped off the platform and started on his waist.

The rabbit paused and after looking up apologetically said "As it's your first time being measured, I have to reach certain sensitive areas, you understand."

Jeremy nodded and replied "I understand." almost automatically.

Hector reached out and nestled the top of his paw up against his sack and pulled the tape down his inseam. Jeremy felt his stomach and sheath muscle tighten in response. He'd been warned and still felt a little embarrassed at his reaction to the intimate touch. His tailor kept his paw up against him and moved the tape around the upper part of his thigh. Looking up again the rabbit was practically hugging his thick thigh to take his measurements.

Jeremy watched as the rabbit slid the tape around to look at the marks before making a note of his measurement. Dropping his paw away Hector looked up at him a moment with his mouth open. Jeremy asked "Is something wrong?"

Shaking his head he said "Its just your size is so impressive, I've rarely seen anyone this thick in the limbs before." as he continued taking his final measurements.

"Well, I am a dominant."

"I've tailored a number of dominants, sir. If I may say so, it's rare I have to take the time to measure the thickness of one's limbs. I have to in your case to ensure a proper fit due to your unusual size. No offense meant, sir." he said as he stood from measuring Jeremy's calves.

"None taken. I do my best to make everyone I meet comfortable around me. I guess I'm so used to being this size I don't notice the difference that much."

The rabbit nodded and checked his notes in silence for a second. "I have everything I need as far as measurements. Let's move on to choosing the fabrics of your suits, yes?"

Jeremy nodded, pleased to notice the rabbit's attitude hadn't changed. "May I ask a question?"

"Certainly." he replied as he led Jeremy toward the side where an array of suits hung on racks.

"I noticed when I came in your reaction was a bit unusual. It was a pleasant change not to have someone new show a little trepidation." Jeremy explained "How is it you were so composed?"

Hector looked at him and smiled. "I appreciate the comment. I pride myself on meeting every one of my customers as a friend. I also have a large number of dominants as regular customers." He grinned and added "Not the least of which is Mister Buttons."

"I see." Jeremy said.

The rabbit smiled and turned to the few suits that were hanging along the wall. He started explaining the advantages of the different fabric choices. With the rabbit's advice Jeremy made choices for three suits to be made. He also commissioned a few shirts and shorts. It was Hector's suggestion to get clothes that better fit his weasel dimensions. The few larger species all had somewhat different proportions to weasels, Jeremy had noticed the difference but had long ago decided to put up with the improper fit. Hector assured the first would be ready for fitting by the end of the next week. The rest would be made after the fitting to prevent excess work.

Jeremy left the shop and headed for home. Sam was out when he got back. Still not yet noon Jeremy had enough time to put a few things in his pack and head back out. Soon enough he was in the body of Dominic and on his way to Alicia Moon's. After knocking he waited less than ten seconds before she opened the door.

Letting Dominic inside she began "Everything is ready for you." She stopped at a small desk and picked up the small envelope. Turning back to Dominic she held it out to him.

Dominic opened the envelope and pulled out the papers. Checking everything over he smiled. "Looks real to me." He'd picked the name Michael Grey at the spur of the moment the week before. He put the newly minted papers in his pocket and handed the empty envelope back to Alicia. Still smiling he looked down to meet her eyes. "Do you have the time to do another?"

"I have the entire afternoon free." Alicia replied.

Dominic realized she meant more than just another set of papers. "Lets just get the photo done and go from there. Shall we?"

With a smile she lead the way to the back. Dominic was familiar with the back studio. Unshouldering his pack he said "Mind if I use the restroom first? I'll just be a second."

"Sure." Alicia answered. Her attention was mostly on adjusting the settings for the camera.

In the attached bathroom Dominic striped and pulled the extra set of clothes from the pack. Watching his change in the mirror Dominic smiled as it finished. He got dressed quickly and after mentally bracing himself stepped back out to the studio.

Alicia's jaw dropped as an ocelot stepped from the bathroom. "So that part of the rumor is true too."

Dominic now stood two feet taller than the rat. Smiling as he took his place in front of the camera he said "Yes." He waited with his feet behind a piece of tape on the floor until she had adjusted the camera for his new height. Once the photo was done he stepped back into the bathroom. Once he had changed back to his rat body Dominic came out to the studio. Alicia was still readjusting the camera.

"So, how long have you been able to do that?"

"Since I was about ten."

She smirked at his answer. "I was interested in you before, but now, don't take this wrong but I want to have a kid by you."

Dominic looked back at her shocked. "I don't think I can stay in one place long enough to raise a kid."

Alicia shrugged. Done with her camera she stepped out from behind it and moved to stand in front of Dominic. He saw once again she was just a few inches shorter than him. "I'm not looking for a male. Honestly, I just like the idea of having a kid with the same power you have. Or even the chance of that."

Dominic stared for several moments. "I, I'd have to think on it."

The female sighed. "Well, if you ever decide to help with that, let me know."

"I'll admit, it's tempting. My hesitation is because I'm of the mindset that should I have any children I can't leave any of them behind to fend for themselves."

She smiled and nodded. "I can understand that. I have a lucrative business, plenty in savings. They wouldn't want for anything."

"Except a father." Dominic added. He saw her face take on a pinched look.

"We could maybe discus this later." She finally said. Her tone while not admitting defeat was hoping for a later appeal.

"Like I said, I'll think on it." Dominic repeated. He leaned back a bit in response of Alicia leaning toward him.

She paused to look him in the eyes and said "Just a little something to think on." Moving closer she gave him what started as a light kiss. With just a gentle contact she slid her tongue inside and caressed Dominic's. Pulling back she again looked him in the eye and smiled.

Trying for a noncommittal grunt Dominic felt he failed. She was having an affect on him.

She nodded to cover for a wider grin and repeated "Think on it." Turning from him she asked "What name did you have in mind for the cat?"

"Yuri Kurissowa." Dominic replied. He smiled as she slowly turned her head back to stare at him.

"You'll have to spell that out for me." she said in a perfect deadpan voice.

Dominic spelled out what he felt a close approximation. He didn't really care if it was off from what he'd just spoken. It wasn't likely to even have to pass an inspection. He watched as she wrote his spelling down and shake her head.

"Okay." Alicia said as she stood straight. Still looking at the desktop she continued "I should have this one ready by the end of next week."

"I'll see you then." Dominic said. After a moment to see if there was anything else the female wanted to say he turned to leave. He could hear her follow to the front door. Opening it and pausing Dominic turned and after a moment said "It is tempting despite how I feel about leaving children fatherless."

"I understand. For what it's worth, that makes you even more attractive."

Dominic shared eye contact again. He had to admit he was finding this female attractive. With a nod he turned and walked off. Forcing himself to not look back he made it to the corner and made the turn despite it taking him in the wrong direction. He made his way around Alicia's building and back toward his own apartment. Making the necessary changes he was back home as a weasel in under half an hour. Another half hour saw him at the Bureau and back to work.

Jeremy found it difficult to focus. Alicia kept intruding on his thoughts. It had all caught him by surprise. Like any male he eventually wanted a family. He'd been made to understand that as a dominant the only female that could hope to be physically comparable would also be a dominant. As Dominic that was not a concern. He could have Alicia as Dominic and start a family.

That was the problem. Jeremy would never be able to acknowledge any of Dominic's offspring. He'd also never be able to pull off leading a double life. Eventually he'd find a weasel dominant for himself. Should he win the affections of a female dominant any relationship he developed with Alicia would only undermine what he really wanted. The right thing to do would be to pick up the ocelot identification papers and have no further contact with the rat.

Trouble was, even in his own weasel body just thinking about the rat gave Jeremy a reaction.