Path of the Shining Sun

While in sunlight, at the end of each of your turns, you regain 1d6 hitpoints. also while in sunlight, you can make an attack roll as a reaction.

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Chapter 3

sunlight would remain easy to obtain for the next few hours, as the sky was clear other than the occasional passing cloud.

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Brighter Later prolugue

He followed the red-headed twenty-one-year-old out into the alley and the harsh sunlight. trash and old newspapers littered the narrow path tripping up brandon several times.

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Scarfire: Paradigm Shift- Episode, 'Harvesting History', Pt. I

He clears the brush away from his front door as he exits and averts his natural eye from the sunlight. the simple village of the ytalka'wonjudo people is shown in a panoramic view before him.

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After what seem like a era of silence and ebbing pain, jericho opened his eyes to a colorless sky and thanked whatever deity on this world that there wasn't any sunlight burn his already hurting eyes.


Clown Mare 8-3

"you need some sunlight, daughter, it's part of your health." "no mom, i don't want to go outside at this time. heat is bad." she stared at her mom's eyes as her pupils grew big. "you need to go to school?

Waterfall romance (a tale for alexuslioness and slashermew)

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* the sun beemed down apon the lucious green medow outside alexus's room her window was open and sunlight

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Dragon Transformation story

What if he were to race the sunlight down the mountain? it took mere seconds to decide that it was a good idea, and salthanath didn't want to waste a minute of his time here.

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The Pack

A cream coloured wolf, the only one out of his entire pack, a golden sheen glinted in the sunlight as she twitched in her sleep.

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Open Ocean

sunlight in open ocean sinks through the water, weakening as it goes, burning off its energy. but in the shallower waters sunlight eased through the waves, greeting the sea-floor and ascending back to the heavens.


Lonely Oak Chapter 103 - The Queen

Beside her, the sunlight streamed through the ring of the tire, creating an ellipse in the sand. she stared at the spot for a moment. eventually, her hand went to it. she rested her palm on the sand, and the sunlight warmed the back of her hand.

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Home Sweet Farm

She saw the sweat running down his chest as he kicked one foot up then the other and every time he did the sunlight reflected off his blue eyes. he must not have noticed her because he never looked over at her.

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