An Unlucky Strike

#6 of sunbaked early the next morning derhith was the first to wake to a stormy and dreary day. outside the clouds had rolled in and made overcast nearly like that of dusk.

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the end of CMC

But one stormy night she was invited to stay at rainbowdash's home as scootaloo had caught a cold from staying there. on this stormy night the thunder crashed and then one flash hit the club house tree, the house moved and creaked.

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The Fountain of Lamneth

The sky was stormy, his vision was blurred by seaspray and soon he had found himself abandoned on board the ship alone with nobody there to keep him company.

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Paradise Lost Through Innovation

Could you imagine a dark stormy night, sparks flying in windows of a workshop mechanics hard at work, obscured by light. they work for science, they work for pursuit. neither fame nor fortune, in minds, at top.

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The Driver

Wipers on full action trying to clear the screen, it's the worst stormy weather that most have ever seen. the only tail lights are his own, as he drives faster down the lonesome road.


Stormy Nights and Clearer Dreams

#4 of new kid **part four: stormy nights and clearer dreams** chapter notes:â told from both matt and zeke's point of view.â matt learns part of the story behind zeke's troubled past and we learn more about matt and about something that happened

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dark and stormy night chp2.1revised

#1 of dark stormy n..revised this is a revised version of the original which can be found in my other folder i am writing the revised version for english because i got a fifteen chapter novel assignment right after i wrote the original so i just copied and

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The Cat And The Dog

It felt fuar, shaky waves to shake the boat, 'twas such a stormy night. the boat crashed into the powerful waves, till which then flips and sinks, as for the lovers, they gain unconsciousness.

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Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 17

She'd been scraping away at that exact spot for hours, until the false gloom of a stormy day gave way to the absolute blackness of a stormy night, and all she's managed to do was buff out a shiny spot in the metal.

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Forever and Always

It had been a stormy day, just three years past. the rain beat down on the castle windows and she had felt especially lonely.

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 17

She'd been scraping away at that exact spot for hours, until the false gloom of a stormy day gave way to the absolute blackness of a stormy night, and all she'd managed to do was buff out a shiny spot in the metal.

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