Dangers of Asparagus
Another garden was fun to explore, so miss robin flitted down and spent about an hour buzzing the funny-looking stalks. they were stuck in the ground as plants usually are, solid-looking with tightly-held buds.
Poetry of Power
Hatred and death had stalked her... until she had become no more... she pulled away slowly from me. and i knew i would die... she raised her ax and brought it down... but die... i did not...
Wolf Hunt - the wolfess
What isn't black, is white, and so she occassionally can stalk through places like a forest and not be seen. also has mismatched eyes, one being amber and the other blue, as seen above.
Scarlet : Trail of Scourge part 4
Scarlet growled, stalking around archer menacingly, claws unsheathed, muscles tensed for attack. "lighten up, honestly, you're all mopey dopey!" archer growled, stalking around the circle she was tracing. "i was prepared to die for you."
Scarlet : Trail of Scourge part 3
She glanced into the forest, thunderclan's forest, then she got to her paws and stalked into the trees. keeping low and quiet scarlet made her way cautiously towards the thunderclan camp.
Building Blocks 1.0
He hadn't seen me yet so i dropped low and stalked up to the table and slipped under it. he was tapping his foot impatiently "what's up with him.
The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 4: Bon Appetit
Spyro stalked behind his easy pray. boar stopped sniffing ground suddenly, probably because it smelled someones presence.
Breakin' Out, Part One: Yeah.
The lion grinned and turned around, stalking up to his friend on all fours, tail lashing from side to side behind him.
Stories in Jasper: The Beginning
Today, the plan was to go play-stalk the alphas of the pack as they went on their rounds, but not eve. definitely not eve. "who do you want to stalk today, delneco?" akita asked, poking fun at deke's slightly unusual name.
Katya's Hunt-alt
So when i spotted you stalking me, i just couldn't help myself. i had to talk to you even if it only lasted a minute." "you, you've been stalking me?" katya asked disconcertedly. "i'm sorry.
The Modern Huntress
She slipped around a pair of rabbit women and the cars that stalked them. furs hurled obscenities as she weaved by them. she gave them no heed. she hit her breaks and turned the van a hard one-thirty-five.
Friendly Fledgling (with Fungus)
The stalk flexed and the mushroom wobbled, making a small cloud of white, mist-like spores emanate from the cap. jarzyl laughed gleefully. she patted atlas on the back with her wing. "hah. enjoy your mushroom!