The Call of the Wretched Sea, Chapter 1: An Eye

Padding throughout the soaked deck as water sloshed off back into the deep, the mare took hold of the helm, horn lighting up once again.

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He laid back and let his belly slosh as he marveled over his work of ten plates that used to be piled high with food. "now tha-uuurrrrpp... was a feast."

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Chapter 12- Young Lovers

She finishes drying herself and exits into the bedroom, exhausted as she flops onto her bed, causing an audible sloshing inside her.

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POV vore - prison escape

From inside the sloshing, wobbling skunkette belly you work out her route. she went right back to your cell and lay on the bed. she's so gorged that her vixen-filled belly threatens to roll her off the narrow mattress.

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Happy Teeth

sloshed it about his mouth. and spat it out in the sink. seeing it was a bit pink. all her poking and prodding had made his gums to bleed. he made a twitching, lip-biting face, and ... slowly leaned back.

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Day Sail

The water sloshing and rippling. creating gentle, liquid sounds. "i brought lunch," the pink-furred bat announced, holding up a basket. "and dragonflies for dessert?" the mouse teased. "nice try, darling.

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The Best Test

The wolf's belly undulated as his liquid meal flowed in, sloshing and rippling like an adipose waterbed. every part of his body fattened, becoming pillowy and doughier and still stronger beneath his flab.

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Blueberry Rain

He tried to rise back up, but couldn't budge himself, feeling juice sloshing around inside of him violently, causing his growing rolls and flab to bulge out in random directions.

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Alexi Vs. Kenneth

A deep, hollow thump was heard followed by a slosh and guttural groan from the bull as the wolf's fist dug deeply into his navel forcing his stomach back towards his spine. to alexi if felt and sounded like he had punched a really thick water bed.

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shrek: dinner with a dragon (vore)

_ the gigantic, predatory reptile wasn't evil listening as she sloshed and slurped donkey around in her massive jaws, pushing him up against the soft red of her cheek.

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Blueberry Inflation (Request)

As the blue color spread up his snout, slush felt a weight in his stomach, and it sloshed loudly as it began to expand. "w-what's happening to me?!" he cried, clutching his rapidly swelling belly. the lion behind the stand snickered.

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A wave of crash and slosh and wash, rose from sharpened weathered rock, and spoke their lines upon the cast of wing and beak and eye so bright - thus assaulted the beacon stands as platitudes tumble back towards the sea, "the immortal
