A Bronze Rising: Smoke and Fire

It was then that i noticed the milky sheen of smoke in the air. the fire behind me was now raging well beyond my capacity to control even if i were so inclined as to attempt to put it out. i didn't particularly care, though.

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Voided Traveller: Chapter 3

This fur was clad in armour of white sheen, accented gracefully with gold and clung to their androgynous form. the armour took on an angelic motif, wings molded to look feathered and armour fluted.

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Morning Ritual

"i should have been more careful with my life" i sigh out cleaning my feathers and fur the black sheen making me feel like my mother was right about me becoming a model.

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The Pack

A cream coloured wolf, the only one out of his entire pack, a golden sheen glinted in the sunlight as she twitched in her sleep.

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Shayde's Story Chapter 2

The black portions of his fur now gleamed with a glossy sheen, and his previously muddy yellow body and legs were now restored to their former sandy colour.

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What's me necklace?

Img link](http://stjustin.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/o/n/on04_3_10.jpg) mine doesn't actually look that good because it dulled rather quickly, so it looks more grey-ish and stoney than that shiny silver sheen

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Auramancer: The Beginning

Spinning in a pirouette, she started, her fingers and long blond hair brushing through an intangible electric blue sheen in the air. it swirled around her fingers like smoke made of purest azure and then began to fade as the music box wound down.

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Marasian Morning - For Starling

As the contented gryphoness sets about polishing the marble of the counter top and the glass of the windows to a mirror sheen, the streets begin to fill with life. souls young and old, slow and quick, absent and present.

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Legend of the Sekrei - Part 1

She smoothed out his dark blue fur, proud of its healthy sheen and color. as with all sekrei dragons, they were furred, and kept their coats clean to show off their status. "you might actually end up liking her and becoming good friends!"

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The Coffin: Part 7

Out of habit, marcus closed his eyes, trying to enter the way, but the gentle tone of the harp did not sound, and no droplets of water broke the sheen of the dark pool.

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Towers of Seshin: Prologue

But regardless, i'm bringing you the prologue of this new story i'm calling towers of seshin (say-sheen).

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Look into my eyes...

"oh please", he cooed as the strange sheen in his eyes practically erupted into a full fledged fire "your friends can wait until tomorrow, can't they?" "y-yeah, probably..."

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