Kazufox Interview #6
\*kazufox\*: blah, blah, blah, then, when sega released the dreamcast... \*spongebob narrator guy\*: 2 hours later... \*kazufox\*: blah, blah, blah, and what's the deal with microsoft's computers? blah...
Swim Through My Mind
Ecco the dolphin is copyrighted to sega and novotrade entertainment, finalgamer to me **the chronicles of finalgamer _swim through my mind_** _"his answer trickled through my head like water through a sieve."
The Gaming Journal #1: The Problem with Fighting Games
Arc system works' _guilty gear xx_had a staggering five revisions over the course of 11 years, even through copyright conflicts with sega, the birth of the similar spiritual successor (even though _guilty gear_is still ongoing): _blazblue_, and two console
Worshiping Knuckles
. - inspired by http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/pre/f/2012/318/1/9/knuckles___red_mist_by_riproarrex-d5l07pw.jpg on riproarrex.com thumbnail picture credit goes to the owners at riproarrex.com characters are credit of sega sonic finished putting his shoes
Endless Struggle: Chapter 1 SatAm fanfic
Ver: 1.0 by: hakuzo nightfox legal: this is a just for fun fan-fic, i do not own any of the characters belonging to sega as they are copyrighted to sega. i only own hakuzo nightfox, and bayne dayfox.
Endless Struggle 3: Waywarde Encounters
Ver: 1.0 1/20/2011 by: hakuzo nightfox legal: this is a just for fun fan-fic, i do not own any of the characters belonging to sega as they are copyrighted to sega. i only own hakuzo nightfox, and bayne dayfox.
"are you referring to the cell samples found on sega iii's moon? that sample was gathered by the capsule i designed! i've been studying engineering. i eventually want to get an engineering doctorate."
Moonlit Metal
Nbsp; **moonlit metal** **bunnie rabbot, sally acorn, and all associated characters © 2006 dic entertainment, archie comics, and sega
Sonic.EX3: Chapter 4
Not to mention the fact that he was never in a sega game, meant this must be something made up by this sonic.ex3 game. but i did notice that the wall etchings behind the stupid chao thing had some numerical patterns to them.
Endless Struggle: Chapter 2
Ver: 1.0 by: hakuzo nightfox legal: this is a just for fun fan-fic, i do not own any of the characters belonging to sega as they are copyrighted to sega. i only own hakuzo nightfox, and bayne dayfox. ivy mistfox belongs to herself.
Only a Painting
#2 of be my bad boy disclaimer: i do not own sega, affiliates. do not read if under age. etc. author's notes: well, i don't think people will like this chapter, but it carries the story. next chapter will have sexy time.
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 11 - Bad Luck
Then every time i came back home i would say "man, i promised on sofurry to write more, lets write more g" result = zzzzz.....oh man what a nice beer- oh man i took my sega with me...aweso--- ----but i managed to kick myself and write