Across the Rift 10

#7 of across the rift chapter 10 revelations "hold him down, quickly, you get the legs and i'll get the arms. jonesy, hold his head, make sure he doesn't hurt his neck!", fiona shouted as she held down sean's arms.

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Across the Rift 9

#6 of across the rift chapter 9 friendship 3 days later... "how is he?"

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PMD: Wildfire - Chapter 1

The lugia looked around at the damage caused by the rift. "when i saw that rift, i couldn't resist the urge to get a closer look. it was truly a spectacular sight!"

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PMD: Wildfire - Chapter 1

The lugia looked around at the damage caused by the rift. "when i saw that rift, i couldn't resist the urge to get a closer look. it was truly a spectacular sight!"

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Chapter 27

Using this flaw, we made contact and explained the calamity that had befallen the rifts. nu and phanes spent many days working with us and managed to force the rifts shit using our magic and their knowledge of the spacial fabric.

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Resolution 1295

Why did richtofen want us to "mend the rift"? what rift? " you know ze answer to zat van samuel. you know it well." "you... you want me to kill myself?! no! i won't, i must fight, for russman, misty, marlton and leroy! maxis can kill me for all i care!!

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Chapter IX: Musings of a Fused Riftwalker, Part One

Scientists took his rift stones and they experimented with his rift stones. ingram felt disturbed and taken back, everything that was him his rift stones that made him a riftwalker were taken away and he could do nothing about it.

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chapter ten

Just recently earth scientist have figured a way seen radio communication though the rift for other worlds this sending information of earth missing people as well who have appeared on earth .

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Episode 11A: Into Darkness

#22 of fotr fiction the raptor is sent to the nekros rift to explore it, however what they find is more than they could have ever expected. the raptor warped towards an area of space known as the nekros rift.

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all best efforts still ended in failure

The imps pouring out from the rift laughed and howled at his glee. your line and o don't scare me. i don't turn off and on. she looked up at him.

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Saving the Lost

"we are in a rift zone between plains. there is the top plain, the next plan of existence. some call it heaven, others call it nirvana, still others _shangri_-la.. it's a bright place full of love, light, and tranquility.

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Saving the lost..

"we are in a rift zone between plains. there is the top plain, the next plan of existence. some call it heaven, others call it nirvana, still others _shangri_-la.. it's a bright place full of love, light, and tranquility.

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