Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 7
rarity asked worriedly. selene responded by using her magic to bring the mare close and put a hoof around rarity's neck. "it's perfect rarity. i reminded me of a gift an old friend gave me so these are tears of happiness. thank you rarity."
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. A regualr Day.
Twilight rolled her eyes at both spike and rarity. rarity was just teasing the poor dragon and it was a pain to try to get spike from getting all lovey dovy and all. "well," said twilight, trying to break the moment.
MLP:- When Worlds Collide Ch1 Shipwrecked
Twilight gave spike an angry look but i spoke up to answer both, "rarity did a great job on my jacket and shirt, fixed things i didn't even notice, and no spike i'm not rarity wanted to fix my uniform for me, oh and she apologised for not being able to make
The Siblings of Chaos: Prologue
"rarity." "the glamor!" "rarity." "the sophistication!" "rarity!" "the fashion!" "rarity!" "hmm?" "we're not going to shop. celestia wants to see us asap." "princess celestia? well, why didn't you say so?"
MLP: Lunar's Return
Also you need not call me miss rarity, just rarity will do." without so much as a second thought i used my magic to levitate the saddle bag from her back to my own. "i insist.
[MLP: FIM] Princess of Friendship
rarity looked up the cliff and across the clear sky. "you're all here. we're together again. i want to hug each and every one of you!" she embraced rarity. rainbow dash plunged down.
Dragon... shy? 5
Twilight kicherte leise und schaute darauf rarity ebenfalls an, wartend darauf, was sie tun würden. rarity ergriff das wort. „wir wollten so vorgehen..." fing sie an und erklärte flüsternd weiter.
Mistakes Happen
Now she made her way to meet up rarity at the local cafe. a new thought being to bug her, was she too old? well that thought can wait, she had to talk to rarity about the lessons. rarity was sitting at a table waiting for her.
MLP hoarding is magic by mugman
rarity's face dropped, she had sold none and hadn't sold anything.
My Little Delirium - Chapter 1
"y'all seen rarity yet? the exams are fixin' to begin any minute." twilight just shrugged. "you know rarity, fashionably late wherever she goes." as if on cue, the white pony, accompanied by her sister sweetie belle.
Death To Nightmare Chapter 4
Steel enters rarity's eyes and her horn glows a very light blue color and the glow appears around selene. rarity then leaves with her magic dragging selene to the door as the newest alicorn struggles, but rarity's grib is ironclad.
Friendship is Pure- Chapter 2: Eight's a Crowd
Right behind pinkie, rainbow dash, fluttershy, and rarity walked in, spike blushing and grinning sheepishly as rarity walked by. "this better be good," rarity said, "i'm missing valuable beauty sleep."