Wolf Of the Bloated Stars

This all started out when his commercial freighter was captured by the pirate vessel that he was now imprisoned on, though strangely, there was no mention to many kind of ransom. there was merely the desire to stuff and humiliate their captive.

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A Spark in the land of the bears

However, days passed with no ransom letters. then, days turned into weeks. finally, the king mounted his horse and set out east, into the preorn territories. there, he found the head of his son mounted on a spike.

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Ode to the Pirate Queen Jezebel

Captain ruthless, a haggard greybeard wolfdog, sent a ransom to her family that would forever go unanswered from a father who would have paid the asking to return a son but not a daughter.

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**unknown internet story:** i stumbled upon a tale of a fairy queen who blackmails princesses into giving up their first born by holding their entire family for ransom.

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**unknown internet story:** i stumbled upon a tale of a fairy queen who blackmails princesses into giving up their first born by holding their entire family for ransom. this became the basis for my main villain.

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Shrouded in Black, Subchapter 1

If these crooks had come to him for a ransom, they would be far from their goal. his grip released from his blade, letting his hand delve into his pocket. it searched about until it closed around three solid objects. pieces of silver.

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The Queen's Punishment

Finally he decided to kidnap and hold for ransom the wife of the most powerful wizard alive to force him to do the king's bidding. the king demanded the wizard create an army.

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RVA: The Red Vixen Redux

Hence their request that the red vixen blow up a ship or two belonging to house skylark that were used to smuggle the tobacco, and possibly some light kidnapping with a very costly ransom for her own person."

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dragon's pride 11

The problem was, from what he vaguely remembered when he was a human, dragons were also tricky creatures and vile reptiles, only thinking on gold and ransom, showing how magnificent they were. yet, everything he was taught never happened here.

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What about Binary Fission?- Chapter 1

So i decided to ransom some money. i changed and masked all of my digital fingerprints, and hacked into the pentagon." alec's eyes widened in interest at the mention of the pentagon.

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Shayde's Story Chapter 4

Primium was the rarest substance on the planet, a mineral so rare and valuable, that even the smallest amount could fetch a king's ransom. the lump he now held could by a continent. ‘you know that jewel i stole?' xani asked.

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Forgotten Gods Part 1: Dragon, falcon, mouse

Or kidnapped, or held to ransom, or savagely mutilated, or... or _anything_ else. we're safe. okay?" there was no reply.

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