Fluffybutt Prose Poems: Meds

#6 of fluffybutt prose poems our local telegram admin. look in any bottle of your medical inventory. do you see a rolaid or an aspiring staring back?

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Fluffybutt Prose Poems: Cocoa

#4 of fluffybutt prose poems for an irish friend of mine. a trail of watermelon seeds stretch across the savannah as cocoa rolls along in his rind, leaving behind vines and patches, awaiting the sight of his six brethren.

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Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Bugz

#12 of fluffybutt prose poems 2nd angel dragon did you ever wonder if the afterlife had its own nursery? it does, under the supervision of bugz. she is the gaurdian of fledgeling spirits, as appointed by the guild of angel dragons.

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Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Shep

#10 of fluffybutt prose poems for a really nice guy. when it comes to career cred, shep holds the monopoly on it.

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Fluffybutt Prose Poems: Beth

#5 of fluffybutt prose poems lemonade is dandy.

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Fluffybutt Prose Poems: Vlad

#2 of fluffybutt prose poems for fa: darkerlight99 once the blanket for the cottage of a lonely boy, vladmir cherkovsky now only watches him through his mystic pearl.

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Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Tamzin

#14 of fluffybutt prose poems ice-themed furry she bursts from a pillar of ice, the slopes and curves of her turning form mesmerizing those who catch sight of her.

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Fluffybutt Prose Poems: Midnight

#11 of fluffybutt prose poems description goes here. he comes from a long line of mafia goons. he fights for the justice of his home country's citizen. he boxes blindfolded in representation of his ancestors' missing moral compass.

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Fluffybutt Prose Poems: Zipper

#3 of fluffybutt prose poems always looking for new backstories to write. all around zipper's bedroom lie the anatomy of myriad other species; muzzles, beaks, trunks, wings, hooves, shells, and even antennae can be found.

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Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Hugo

#9 of fluffybutt prose poems irish boy. take a dip in the shynimeron sea, and chances are, you'll encounter hugo, a shark not so much interested in munching on intruders than partying all summer long with his fellow inflatable friends.

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Goldenwolf's Edda

So for those who are fans of goldenwolf or ancient epic norse prose poems, or just the insatiably curious, i give you a germanic poem in the style of beowulf or snorri sturlson about passion. please tell me what you think. i love feedback.

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Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Fear

#15 of fluffybutt prose poems for a guy who was very nice to me.

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