SHIFT 007: Routine Mission

Well we probably shouldn't open with prehistoric monster. and if it turns out to be some kind of trap... prehistoric monster is a pretty good ace to spring on people." "i getcha. stealth mode." kickaha muttered.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Guardian Storm. Part 2

Any rudeness aside, he couldn't help comparing this other pokemon to some prehistoric creature. its thick carapace covered most of the body, even the reverse sides of the ears, rather than any fur. "excuse me, kid?!!

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An Unfinished Story

Jason would have found a portal that takes him to a prehistoric world where dragons live. jason transforms and regresses in a dragon hybrid and he is found and raised by a dragoness warrior.

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Presto - Chapter 3

Stared at me, from what little i can see in that damn thing," he continued, attempting to kick the now-lifeless cookie corpse laying on the floor, but only managing to nudge his frosting-encased foot forward an inch before giving up and flopping back in the prehistoric

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Wayward Scale, Chapter 3, Descended From Beastmasters

James spun around and saw a mutated roadrunner, which now resembled a prehistoric raptor. he unsheathed his sword and stepped towards it. " looks like a zoo's been breached," he whispered. " agreed."

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Isolation-Excerpt 39-Hmanity VS Machinery

"jeez al", i said setting down the tinder and starting to build the fire, "looks like some prehistoric settlement, were only staying the night." "i'm aware", alcatraz sighed, "i'm just trying to tire myself out so i can sleep."

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A Fleeting Moment PART 1 (Monitor Lizard TF Story) [Commission]

Stretched down along one side of the poster was one of the zoo's lace monitors, staring out into the room with one of its prehistoric eyes. settled on my idea now, i dipped the quill into the ink and with a confident stroke began my work.

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Lost Into the Past Chapter 11

And after getting used to all the talking creatures, he's gotten less freaked out knowing they talk, and more excited to actually see prehistoric creatures with his own eyes.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 9: Ancient Knowledge

How surprised they were that the supposed 'library' was pretty much prehistoric itself. there were no scrolls inside, only rocks carved with ancient draconic language both could not read (though xiciro could read some based on knowledge).

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Lost Into The Past Chapter 2

He took note of several plants that looked very familiar to him, he began to let his power of deduction take over and eventually came to the conclusion that they were prehistoric plants, probably from the cretaceous, but that also raised a few more questions

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The move

It was very difficult in the beginning to bring the planet back to it's once prehistoric state of life-thriving abilities, but with much research and trial-and-error, they finally made it work.

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