An Unfinished Story

Story by HyperWolf3000 on SoFurry

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The title says it all....

I wrote it back in 2016 and forgot all about it.

So I though I'd upload it for you guys to see.

Dragons Realm I wait a few more suspense killing minutes. Silence. Ok it's now or never, I think to my-self. I silently slip out of bed, already dressed for travel in a red hoodie, white t-shirt and dark blue jeans. I slide my feet into a wrecked pair of black vans before I grab my back pack from underneath the bed. I'm all set ready to escape this hell hole. With my heart in my mouth I glance around the gloomy dorm room where five rough looking furs sleep. Maybe, just maybe they already know that I'm planning on escaping tonight and there pretending to be asleep so they can ambush me or alert a care taker. No there not that intelligent, they don't know anything about my escape plan, you're just worrying yourself. With my rucksack firmly secured on my back, I walk quietly to the window. Despite its short distance, the window feels like miles away especially knowing that one noise from the creaky floor could wake everyone in the room blowing my cover. After what seem like hours I finally reach the window and have successfully prized it open. With my paws dripping with sweat, I clamber out of the window onto the slope of the roof.

The roof titles not only feel cold and slippery, they feel like they're going to give way any second. I hold my breath and gingerly begin the clamber down the slope, my claws digging firmly into the tiles (not wanting to fall at least 20ft to the concrete ground.) Once I'm nearing the bottom of the slope I stretch out my legs and begin to feel around until can feel the metal guttering. Now comes the hardest part. I reach out with my paw and grab the guttering before I slide myself off the edge of the slope and before I know it, I'm hanging on to the guttering off the building! I can now feel the metal cut into my paws and my back pack way me down. Instincts kicks in and I find myself edging along the guttering, like I'm on the monkey bars, whilst at the same time I feel out with feet my feet for a drain pipe on the wall. After several agonising minutes of clambering along the guttering and feeling the side of the building, I'm finally able to feel the round metal drain pipe. Once I feel that I'm close enough to the pipe I wrap both my legs around it, before I then stretch out my right arm (whilst still holding on to the guttering with my left paw) and wrap it around the drain pipe. Now with my whole body embraced around the drain pipe I begin to loosen my grasp ever so slightly so I'm able to slowly slide down the drain pipe. As soon as I've reached the bottom of the building, a clap of thunder nearly makes me jump out of my fur and seconds later it begins to pour down with icy cold rain. Is it just me but is fate trying to prevent me from escaping this God forsaken hell hole? Well for all I can care it can rain all it wants as I'm not turning back. I dash across the concreate ground to the rusty metal fence. There I chuck my back pack over the fence before I squeeze through the bars (being small has its advantages). Now I'm free. I glance back at the building through the fence. "Good riddance" I mutter under my breath before securing my back pack and running off along the pavement.

Berry Side is one of the worst Orphanages in England and I MEANT IT! The care takers can't even do their jobs right and it's full of rough kids who would better off in a young offends prison. I really wish that is place would get shut down. While I'm out in the pouring rain, on the run with nothing better to do I might as well introduce myself. My name is Jason Frost. I'm 12 years old. I'm a husky with ice white fur and green eyes. Another distinctive feature about me is that I'm small and kinda skinny. Thanks a lot to the cruel paw of fate I was orphaned at the age 5 as my parents were killed in a car crash. While I had been lucky to survive sometimes I wish I had died with them because my life had become a total misery. As I had no other relatives alive I was placed by authorises in an orphanage were my troubles took a turn for the worst. In my first few days there I became a target for teasing because I wet the bed and I cried most of the time. When I was 7 I got shoved around and thumped quite a few times by the bigger kids because of my scrawny build and because I still slept with a Stich plush. When I reached the age of 10 I received more than the odd slap or a kick from the kids at the orphanage and at school. I was a target for bullies. I found it easy to ignore insults as I knew what they were saying was crap most of the time however; it was much harder hiding the pain from physical abuse. A few times I had reported these incidents to teachers though nothing prevailed as they still continued and threatened me with beatings if I grassed on them again. The care takers at Berry side hardly did anything to stop the bulling either. I just couldn't take another day of this so I did what my instinct told me to do. Run away. Get as far as way as possible. Escape. While it's sound stupid of me I just couldn't think of any alternative and I was at my breaking point. Rarely any families visited the orphanage and they only seemed to be interested in adopting the rough kids as being a runt didn't help that at all. Escape was the only option that I could think off as I wasn't spending the rest of my life living at Berry Side getting thumped around on a daily basis. With my introduction out of the way I snap back into reality as I'm splashed with puddle from a passing car, soaking me to the bone. I need to find shelter and fast otherwise I might catch my death of cold. Also despite being at the dead of night I just feel uneasy being in this town area. I can't risk anyone seeing me and even reporting me. The last thing I want is to be returned to Berry Side back to the neglectful carers and bullies. As crazy as it sounds I need to go some were isolated and what better place to refuge than the woods. There should be no one around and it's a good chance for shelter.

I've been to the woods a few times before on the way back from school, ever since I turned 14. So a part of me is actually quite excited to be hiding in the woods. Sounds like a plan, so without further ado I reach in my back pack and pull out my wind out torch. Now being able to see better with my torch light rather than just the dim moon light, I recognise by my current location (which is an empty part of town) and then realise that I'm not far from the woods, in fact I reckon I'm at least 10 minutes away. Securing my bag firmly on my back and gripping my torch, I steadily jog along the pavement splashing up puddles of water on the way. I'm not too bothered about getting wet my feet wet now as there already drenched, though I just hope the contents of my bag turn out to be dry...... ***

Ok my estimation was wrong as it's taken me more than 10 minutes to get to the woods it's been more like an half an hour or more. But despite being beyond soaked and frozen I've reached my destination. The leafy muddy ground feels soft and slippery underneath my feet. The tall trees tower over me like giants. Some tree branches cast eerie shadows when I shine my torch light on them. This kind of reminds me of The Blair Witch Project I think to myself before I instantly regret thinking that as I feel scared now. A small part of me wishes to have never run away as there no going back now. But I've crossed a line that can't be uncrossed as if I was to return now I'd be made fun of by the bullies throughout the whole spring break as well as being in deep crap with the care takers. What was the point of running away then returning after a few hours? "Come on Jason, pull yourself together!" I mutter to myself. "For months you've wanted to get away and you've finally done it." So I begin to keep on moving through the woods and am glad I did as I make a rather unexpected discovery when I come across to a shallow stream. On the other side of the stream several meters away, there is a steep hill covered with ivy and bushes with a rounded entrance to a cave which I assume goes underground. It will be the perfect shelter for keeping the rain off my back. Without hesitation I splash across the stream and before sprinting the last few meters of the journey.

The rain has already done its damage to my clothes and fur but I just want to get that cave as soon as possible. Now as I enter the cave I get a bit of surprise as it's actually quite warm in contrast to the icy cold weather outside. The ground feels hard and rocky underneath my feet while I can smells like damp earth. I shine my torch around and notice that the ceiling and the walls of the cave are made up of chunky grey rocks. After a moments pause, I begin to peel off my wet clothes. That's better I think to myself as I throw the last of my soggy garments into an untidy pile until I'm in nothing but my fur. I just hate having wet clothes stuck to my fur and it feels great having them off (well nobody's around). After shaking the excess water from my fur, I begin to rummage through my backpack and pull out a sand coloured shirt and a black pair of trousers. I can do without shoes for now. Besides I now have a cave to explore.......

AN: and that's where the story ended. Then Leo and Sid's story came into mind and I simply forgot about it........ amazingly I started this story back in the summer of 2016. WOW that's nearly 3 years ago. So I thought I'd post some it hear despite being in complete.. However, in the back of my mind hears how the story would have continued........ Jason would have found a portal that takes him to a prehistoric world where dragons live. Jason transforms and regresses in a dragon hybrid and he is found and raised by a dragoness warrior. As I want to do more wrighting I thought I'd post it hear for you all to see. If you like I will continue this story, just leave a comment down below.....